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Photo.net now has a Twitter account...


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<p>In an effort to communicate more with the PN community about what is going on "behind the scenes", I have set up a Photo.net Twitter account. I'm going to keep it updated with blurbs and thoughts based on whatever is going on with photo.net at the moment. If you are a Twitter member, you can follow the posts there. If you aren't a Twitter member, you can use the RSS feed to keep updated. And if you don't know what an RSS feed is, you can just bookmark the photo.net blog and read the posts in the sidebar. And yes, it is one of my 2009 goals to keep the PN blog more active and up to date.</p>

<p>Twitter page for photo.net:</p>


<p>Twitter RSS feed:</p>


<p>Photo.net blog:<br>


<p>Photo.net blog RSS (won't get you the Twitter posts):</p>


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<p>Josh , how about a Iphone app for PN, and or, a facebook account? thanks for doing this.</p>


<p>Iphone: We've talked about this, but honestly, I can't think of a cool way to do anything that safari doesn't do. I suppose we could set up an easy photo rating ap or something. But most stuff on PN works just fine on the iphone. If you've got other ideas, I'm all ears.<br>

Facebook: I've been pushing for this for a while. It will come at some point in the not too distant future. I know a lot of PN users are also Facebook users and I'd like to allow them to bring PN with them to their Facebook pages.</p>



<p>how about free cash for everbody!</p>


<p>Don't I wish.</p>

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<p>NOOOOOO! J-AAAAH-sh! NOT TWITTER! NOT COOL, DUDE! (<i>falls down in a display of pretentious outrage</i>) </p>

<p>How will we know what's going on in 144 characters or less?</p>

<p>How will we know you're not posting while on the toilet?</p>

<p>Blog? There's a Photo.net blog? mmh, interesting. </p>

<p>Guess it's a good way to promote Photo.net.</p>

<p>Hope I get a chance to say hi to CNN's Rick Sanchez.</p>

<p>AAAhm juz keeeding!</p>

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<p>How will we know what's going on in 144 characters or less?<br>

How will we know you're not posting while on the toilet?<br>

Blog? There's a Photo.net blog? mmh, interesting.<br>

Guess it's a good way to promote Photo.net.</p>


<p>Keep in mind that I don't think twitter is supposed to be a full fledged communication device. It's just one piece of the pie. I'd like to think that my constant posting, email replies, and newsletter would make up the bulk of the communication for most PN members. Twitter (and the blog) are just other ways to get some news. You aren't going to be missing anything if you ignore them as long as you are paying attention to other ways that I communicate.</p>

<p>Yes, PN has a blog. I originally set it up so that I could post when the servers were going down and to allow people to follow the new editorial content via RSS. But to be honest, I've kind of ignored it with our recent long stretch of (mostly) good server uptime.</p>

<p>How do you know I'm not posting from the toilet now? I have wi-fi and I work from home. Twitter doesn't change much in that department.</p>

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<p>I agree that iphone apps are overrated. The New York Times has an iphone app, but it's much slower than Safari, and they have mobile-optimized pages so it's easy to navigate and read on an iphone. You might look into something like that, where the layout and spacing is optimized for mobile screens.</p>
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<p>It wanted to send little spamnotes to everyone in my address book.</p>


<p>All you had to do was click "skip this step". That is just a "get your friends involved" type thing the same as any social networking site will do.</p>

<p>Anyway, you don't HAVE to have a twitter account to follow someone's "twittering". You can read via the blog page, via an RSS reader, or yes, you can have a twitter account and keep track that way.</p>

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<p>And later, I find out that "<a href="http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/02/06/gop-congressman-breached_n_164809.html">someone has been teaching Congressmen to Twitter</a> ". So it must not be too difficult to learn. ;) Let's hope that none of out top-secret secrets get out here.</p>

<p>Years ago, Skinner's grad students in behavioral psychology at Harvard had to teach chickens to play baseball. (absolutely true!)</p>

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  • 8 months later...


An I-Phone App would be awesome. What does Safari do wrong when looking at Photo.net? Everything. Everytime I change a page I have to re-size so I can read the text. Safari brings up the text in Micro Dot size and you have to scroll back and fourth if you zoom in. Also if you hit the back button, the page has to reload, how about keeping the last couple pages in memory so going back is fast.<br>

How about an Iphone App that actually formats the messages and text into an Iphone friendly format so I never have to re-size on each page, photos would line up, text would be readable and the paragraphs would be the same width as the Iphone screen. If I reply to something it would be nice to have the paragraphs and buttons formatted to fit on the Iphone screen in a readable format.</p>

<p>Currently Photo.net on Iphone Safari is very clunky (painful) because the Iphone is dealing with a format that doesn't fit the Iphone's screen. Yes it can be done with countless resize and scrolls on each page, but a PN App that handles this would be awesome.</p>


Cheers, Mark
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