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Delta 100 in HC-110 pushed to 250?


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<p>I had been shooting Ilford Delta 400 at e.i. 250 (my usual film/ei choice), when I shot a roll of Ilford Delta 100 and forgot to change the ISO setting on my camera. So I have exposed the roll of Delta 100 at e.i. 250.<br>

I use HC-110, dilution B as my regular developer. Ilford suggests 8 minutes for e.i. 200. and 6 minutes at 100.<br>

Any advice for my roll at e.i. 250? 9 minutes?<br>

Thank you from first time poster, Richard</p>

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<p>Xtol is always a good choice, however, there is only a small speed enhancement. The key point is to remember that exposure and development have nothing to do with each other. It's the basic tenet of the zone system and its as correct as it gets (about 99%).<br>

The only thing that adding development time will do is add contrast, which is useful some of the time... when shooting in low light, or compressed lighting, like inside light...</p>


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<p>Thanks everyone. I developed the roll in Microphen for a little over 8 minutes. I haven't scanned or printed (darkroom) yet, but the negs look very good.They might be just a wee bit underexposed compared to my usual negs and they are not excessively contrasty. Looks like they'll print quite well.</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...

<p>As with many Ilford films, they say:</p>


<p>should be noted that the exposure index (EI) range recommended for 100 DELTA Professional is based on a practical evaluation of film speed and is not based on foot speed, as is the ISO standard.</p>


<p>they then gives development times for EI 50, 100, and 200.<br>

I am not so sure what the speed would be based on ISO standards.</p>


-- glen

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