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Are film and paper combinations an issue?

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A few years back (Okay, maybe more than a few), there were quite a few discussions on this forum revolving around

what film looked best on what paper. If I remember, the consesus was that kodak films did not look their best

printed on Fuji papers (particularly Crystal Archive). Kodak Gold 100, I remember was a specific example.

Excellent on Kodak's Royal paper (no longer made), and looking very muddy and contrasty on Crystal Archive.


Today, where it seems prints are mostly made from scans of negatives, does anybody find this still to be an issue?

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It's probably less of an issue now, anyway, as Kodak's Endura line has been reduced from three varieties (Porta, Supra, and Ultra) to just one (Supra). As for if it matters whether you print on Fujifilm paper or Kodak, in relation to the negs. you're using, prints do look subtly different, but I wouldn't say they're consistently worse with any particular combination.
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A well exposed negative printed by an experienced operator on a well calibrated machine will look good on any


Matching films and papers may have some slight advantages for the operator. About eight years ago I was using

Agfa color negatives. A friend of mine worked at a local minilab, using an Agfa machine and Agfa paper. He used

fresh chemicals and calibrated his machine every day. I've spent some time watching him work. Agfa negatives (and

also Spector, Colorama and other rebranded Agfa films) could be printed on Agfa paper with no filtration at all.

The color of the mask was perfectly matched with the spectral response of Agfa paper.<br>

However, I sometimes gave him Kodak negatives, and he always did a good job. Matching films and papers helped him

work a little faster, but did not affect the quality of the final result. Ultimately it was his expertise that

mattered, not the brand.

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