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Developing BW film....


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dots could be air bubbles in the film


\from agitation causing foaming- bot too likely

bus as said bang the tank to dislodge the bubbles

squiggles COULD be dust in the film at the time of drying

but a cresent-shaped black mark on the film could be caused by kinking the film

while putting it on the reel. more common with 120 film rather than 35mm.

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Is that the negative that you are showing or the positive print? If it is the positive print then the question should be "I am getting little white squiggels and dots on the developed print..."


That looks like dust, link and what ever that you get on the negative from drying it in a dusty area. Dust and lint on the negative prevent light transmission through the negative to the photo paper and appears white on the print.

James G. Dainis
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if you dont have the money to invest in a cheap negative dryer (which are hardly ever cheap) you should search for the perfect spot with the least amount of dust. because no matter how much photo-flow you use, if your drying dear dust, you will get those squiggles.

is the film old?

are you agitating hard enough to remove dust in the processing?

try using a negative brush before processing just to remove and stuck on dust,


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You should rinse in distilled water as well, and stay out of the area. If the area is a dusty area, I spray the walls and floor with a mist of water.


Use the very minimum of photo flo, you should not really need it if you are using distilled water.



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