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I think I'm going mad!

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Last night, I checked my photos I posted yesterday and of the 3, 2 had the usual 3/4 ratings from a couple of

people, I had received 650 ratings on my photos in total and had 4 most frequently rated pictures. I've got up

this morning and the ratings have disappeared from my pictures, I'm down to 630 total ratings and only have 1

most frequently viewed photo! I've not been a member of the site for long enough to know if


a) this is completely standard (if so, please can someone explain) or


b) I'm living in some kind of timewarp and I can look forward to many years of being the age I am now rather than

hit 40 (which would suit me down to the ground!)


Yours in serious confusion, Helen

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I don't usually play the "ratings game", so don't remember the details, but google this site for "ratings" and maybe "missing" and you'll find you're not the first to "go mad."


In these days, it could be worse. You could be going sane -- there's a scary thought. ;)

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Helen, no ratings are worth too much emotion and certainly not going mad. The reason for your disappearing ratings is probably due to the periodoc clean-up PN does to remove ratngs that are regarded as suspect in some way. These could be vecause they were generated by a bot or some other reason.


For a drect answer from PN admin you could try asking on the PN feedack forum which is tucked away out of sight here :




but can ve accessed through the 'contact Photo.net' link at the bottom of each page. The forum was put here because it used to be deluged with all sorts of highly irate people and made amusing reading. Not nearly so entertaining these days.


I like your portfolio - keep doing what you are doing - though maybe (as a dog person) you might go easy on the cats!


regards Colin

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It is almost 99.9% certain that your ratings that "disappeared" came from bogus accounts (i.e. s-h-i-t disturbers with duplicate/multiple accounts that like to game the system). Photo.net can detect these bogus accounts, and when they do the accounts and all ratings associated with them are deleted.


See: http://www.photo.net/site-feedback-forum/00R4nA

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Hi Guys


Thanks for all your responses - the "I'm going mad" bit was definitely down to a lack of caffeine and the knowledge of a stressful day to come. However, I have also come to the same conclusion (in consideration of the cat and the husband) that sanity is definitely over-rated and I will continue on in the same vein of slightly askew consciousness that has got me through the last 37 years. However, in response to Colin, as a cat person, I'm glad you like my portfolio, but I have to tell you Ellie is much more photogenic than my husband so she will continue to star!


As my average rating has gone up due to the clarification, I will remain zen about the whole thing and thank you for your kind responses to my early morning confusion!



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