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One Photo a Day

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I've been wanting for years to take a photo a day, just always been to lazy to do it and stick to it. Has anyone

else tried this? I'd imagine it could get difficult and if you were to stick to it you'd be forced to expand

your creativity and as well as being forced into taking some, silly or goofy or uninteresting photos. Anyway I

thought I'd give it a try and wanted to hear from anyone else would tried this. I started a "photoblog" to keep

me honest. If anyone has the time and wants to check it out it's here -->


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Nice idea. A while back a photo editor of a common photo mag suggested readers shoot 100 pics in a day. Seems he

was getting lazy and wanted to stimulate the muses. Many responders, although admitting to falling short, claimed

to enjoy the experience. Is a single photo worth dragging out the gear? Perhaps we could up the ante and post on

a given day?

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I have often considered the idea and I think it could be interesting and a good exercise in discipline. Judging by the fact I have yet to start a photo a day project I am clearly in need of that discipline. Best of luck with your p.a.d.
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I've tried it every year for the past 4 or 5 years. Never seem to make it past the third week in January. I've gotten some good images though. Might take it up again next year. Part of my problem is it's hard to force creativity. It'd be much easier if you don't really care about what you shoot, just keep the camera next to your bed and fire off a shot when you wake up. Or do as Harvey Keitel's character in the movie "Smoke" and take a shot of the same place at the same time every morning.
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Scott, My wife has been doing this very thing since January 1. She has missed a few of days, but only a few. It's damned

annoying to me because she's an illustrator not a photographer yet consistently cranks out photos I wish I had taken. As

you suggest though there are the mundane shots but overall it's quite interesting.


I had the pleasure of working with a talented photographer for a couple of weeks a few years ago. He had a personal project

he had been working on since the birth of his daughter, who was then about 10 or 12. He had taken a photograph of her

every day since her birth. Imagine a photo a day for at least 10 years.

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I personally have never done that, but I had the pleasure of working with a very talented photographer as an intern who during his daughters senior year in high school took an image a day of her with an 8x10 camera. It was a beautiful photo essay when he was done. He was able to capture her in all her moods throughout the year as she wasn't afraid to show him how she was feeling... especially when she wasn't happy at that moment to be in front of the camera.


When I took an autobiographical photography class we had to take self portraits for 45 days, that was tough, but it was fun to see everyone's interpretations of themselves at the end of the class.

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I did this for a month earlier this year. It was challenging and fun, and I'm glad I did it, but it got to be too much with working full-time, raising a child and going to school for my MBA. I happened to time it for a break between classes, all except for the last week. That was when it got really tough. Too hard to go between modes: working girl - mommy - student - creative photographer... There's only so much my brain can handle! I'll probably do it again sometime, though, as it was a great experience.


Good luck and have fun!

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Yeah it is tough and I'm only on Day 6. Who knows how long I'll be able to stay committed to this? I also take more than just one photo, I take a bunch and pick the best one. Sometimes I tempted to post a series of shots for a day, but, at least for now, I'm just going to keep it to one post a day. Thanks for the input everyone.


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