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What do I do with all this equipment?!

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Hi, all--I am new to photo.net so I don't know where this really should go--please forgive me if this isn't the right place,

but I need some help.


I was given a BUNCH of old studio equipment from a retiring photographer--which would be a FABULOUS problem to

have, except that it's all really old and I have NO FREAKIN IDEA what to do with it! I am a brand new (read:

completely ignorant) photographer, and my studio space is too small for most of it, even if I did know how to use it. I

really would like to sell it, but I honestly don't know if anyone would even buy it!


So I guess the real question is, where's the best place to sell this stuff, and how do I know how much it's even worth?

I am listing some of it on Ebay, but I am not holding out much hope.


I have 2 boom lights with stands and accessories, a portable Speedotron power pack with four speedotron lights, 2

umbrellas, 4 stands, and what I have been told are called "cans"...like, metal shades that go on the lights,

backdrops, and tons more. I don't know exactly how old they are, but I do know they were well cared for.


I'm more of a natural light photographer-wannabe, so I really don't have use for this stuff.


Anybody got any advice?


Thanks in advance!



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Wow, Catherine, that's so generous of you! ; )


I have posted snapshots and descriptions, the best I can, here:




I would love any and all advice as to my pricing strategy....and if you know what some of the items are--there are a couple I didn't know! Please, educate me! I really want this stuff GONE....but I need to make at least a LITTLE bit of money off of it, if possible! I am just starting, after all, and my hubby wonders if I will *ever* be able to pay off my camera and various lenses, etc...!

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but what's the rush to get rid of it? this is some pretty sophisticated lighting equipment that you'll wish you had if you move into portraits, architectural interiors, even still lifes, etc, in fact anything except landscapes and candid streetshots. if it was a gift to you, maybe that was an offering to let you explore the potential of what it can do? the lenses you mention are really only a small part of the equation of capturing images. these tools will help you illuminate your subjects beyond your expectations. i would suggest putting it into a closet until the day you ask yourself "how can i get such a result?" -- and the answer is an umbrella with slave strobes. just my 2 cents -- worth what you paid for it.
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You know, Robert, I hadn't really thought of it that way...in part, I couldn't get past how embarrasingly old it looks! ha! There is actually more, that I hadn't listed, that I was planning on keeping (even though it's old), so getting rid of some of it would still leave me some...but now you have me thinking about it a little harder. I will go back and reassess...
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