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Panasonic TZ5

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I've been evaluating P&S cameras lately and gotta say I'm really impressed with

the TZ5. I tried the TZ3 last year and was quite UNimpressed with its images -- the

NR looked horrible and it was very sluggish in almost every way.


The TZ5, however, is speedy and outputs great images. It's very difficult (so far) for

me to get clear images at 280mm, even with IS, but I love the added focal range

and the fact it zooms SMOOTHLY in movie mode.


Three cheers for Panasonic on this one!


While on the subject, though, I was wondering if more-knowledgeable people could

fill me in on a couple of things. Regarding the TZ5 in particular, I don't understand

this new iA mode vs. the normal "auto" mode. I've read the manual but it oddly

doesn't say much about it.


Regarding P&S in general, is there a website somewhere that translates SCENE

modes into "normal" aperture & shutter speed information? The TZ5 has a lot of

scene modes (not as many as some others I've seen), but I'm betting some of

them are duplicates in terms of f-stop and shutter speed.


Also regarding P&S in general, is it really that much trouble for companies to add

Aperture and/or Shutter Priority shooting modes? Or at least a button for AE lock

so we could set that and focus separately?


I think they leave these features out to "protect" their dSLR line, but the dSLRs

have MANY other advantages so adding A+S modes wouldn't hurt sales.


Anyhow, thanks for the info.



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[[i don't understand this new iA mode vs. the normal "auto" mode. I've read the manual but it oddly doesn't say much about it. ]]




"Switching to the 'Intelligent Auto' mode gives you a cut-down version of the record menu. In this mode most decisions are being made by the camera."


My parents new Canon point and shoot has a similar option. There's the standard Green Square auto and there's "Heart" mode. If I remember correctly the /only/ choice you get in "heart" mode is flash on or flash off. All other choices are made by the camera.


[[Also regarding P&S in general, is it really that much trouble for companies to add Aperture and/or Shutter Priority shooting modes? Or at least a button for AE lock so we could set that and focus separately? ]]


The market for point and shoot cameras is not, generally speaking, a market of photographers. It's a market full of consumers. So while it may not be "difficult" to add these features, it's usually unnecessary and probably confusing for the majority of buyers. It has nothing to do with DSLR sales.

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These compact cameras are rather on the light side and even with OIS it is easy to get soft results at telephoto settings of the zoom. I suggest that you wait for the "ready to shoot" light to come on when taking half trigger before completing full pressure to take the shot. Caress the trigger rather than pressing it down as is needed with cameras with mirrors to be lifted. You should find that using OIS Mode Two while not so easy to view the subject gives a better result in only applying OIS for the actual exposure instead of all the time. Also for superior results you really need at least a monopod if not a tripod. OIS is a great help but you cannot beat adequate support of some sort. It can also help to have the arms bent when viewing the LCD away from the body. It might be worth checking the EXIF information recorded with the exposure to see what shutter speed the camerais using when you used the telephoto setting of the zoom.
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"While on the subject, though, I was wondering if more-knowledgeable people could fill me in on a couple of things. Regarding the TZ5 in particular, I don't understand this new iA mode vs. the normal "auto" mode. I've read the manual but it oddly doesn't say much about it."


The new AI mode is totally automatic, while the "Auto" mode let's you make some changes to some of the default setting such as ISO, force the flash on/off, adjust coloring, adjust image brighteness and turning the IS on/off.


The AI setting recognizes Portraits, scenery, night portrait, night scenery, macro and movement automatically. All you have to do is press the shutter !


As far as I can understand it(Ijust got mine a couple of days ago), you can choose a setting from SCN1 then choose a setting from SCN2 for the same picture. I'm not sure how to do this yet, but it sounds good.


I wish they had not only added shutter priroty and apperture priority, but a viewfinder, but that might raise the price quite a bit and make me think about keeping my DSLR at home more often.

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I understand selling to the casual photo takers out there, but there are also a LOT of

hobbyist and pro photographers looking for a nice P&S. These people gravitate

towards things like the G9, but if manufacturers really wanted to innovate and

broaden their market they should at least try the idea of taking a successful camera

like the TZ5 and creating an "Advanced" version.


For a few more bucks, it would add A, S, and M modes as well as maybe a

programmable button that does whatever you prefer (for me it would be AE lock). I

believe such a camera would do quite well.


Panasonic/Leica have the LX2 or D-LUX3 that sorta fit this idea, so hopefully they

get updated with this new Venus engine. The older versions don't perform very well.



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The TZ5 is a fun little camera. As a DSLR user, this is a perfect break from that shooting style. I have many, many images from the TZ5 on my website, 95% of which are straight downloads from the camera to my computer to the website with no tweeking in Photoshop or any other program..










Intelligent Auto is Panasonic's mode where the cameras' metering system breaks down the scene into many areas and can apply different exposure values to try and maximize tonal range as much as one can in a small sensored camera like this. Other than the flash shots where I went back to Auto, all the St. Croix folder was shot in IA mode.


The regular Auto mode even has a way to sort of do the same thing. It's called Intelligent Exposure that you can turn on or leave off. One of the above folders is dedicated to using the TZ5 in Auto with Intelligent Exposure turned on. The difference with Auto and IE vs. the IA mode is, you still have access to a live histogram and incremental exposure compensation vs. no live histogram with IA and access only to a "backlight" compensation option.


Everything about the TZ5 is an improvement on the TZ3...even the flash system, which is now very accurate and has a redeye correction mode that gets rid of redeye at the time you shoot the picture, so you never see it or have to try and get it out later in post processing.

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  • 2 years later...

<p>hy all<br>

I'm searching for a relatively cheap P&S with possibility to shoot from distante. I came accros panasonic tz5 that read it has wifi. Does anyone know similar cameras? the tz5 is out of use.<br>

Also.. can I view the pictures I am taking, remote live view, on a laptop? I want to place a camera somewhere and take pictures from a small distance back. Like photographing a lion in the jungle :)<br>

can anyone help me?</p>



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