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Limited number of "Interesting People"


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Sorry if this has been already posted, but I could find anything about it.



I'm a bit annoyed with the 100 limitation of "Interesting People".



I can understand that you would like to avoid communities of buddies rating

themselves, and you certainly want to push memebers to discover new photographers.



But, as it may be weeks when I won't log in, I'm personaly always interested

first by looking if any members whose work if like to look at did upload some

new photos.



I did put myself as an interesting people, not because of an egotrip problem,

but it always show me who did update their portfolios since the last time I

logged in.



But there are in my list, photogrpaphers who haven't updated anything for weeks,

and, again, as I can't log in every day, I would be really sad to miss any new

photo from them.



I also have on my list quite a few members who are there not because of their

portfolio : Either they don't have any photos, or they don't upload any new

ones, BUT I always like to read what they are writing on the forums, and

sometimes, their posts are not on the pages anymore, but we can acces them from

their profile page.


So perhaps, it could be an idea to push this limit a little bit.


I read that there are more than 100 000 active members. With a limitation of

100, are you implying that I'm supposed to find that only 0.1 % of the active

memebers are interesting ;-) ?


Thank you very much for ready this



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no problem Patrick : just do what you like or need.

If it helps : this is what I'm getting when trying to add a new interesting person :




Problem with Your Input

We had a problem processing your entry:


There are too many people on your list, in relation to how long you have been a photo.net member. Either wait to add another person, or remove some people before adding more.


Please back up using your browser, correct it, and resubmit your entry.

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Looks like it may be related to the fact that you've only been a member of the site for 3 months. I don't know what the restrictions are and how long you have to be a member before your "interesting persons" limit goes up, but I expect that's something that Patrick either knows or can easily look up.


I'm not quite sure why there is this particular time limitation, but I know we have had people join and immediately do all sorts of strange and server intensive things which have caused problems, so I do understand why there are some limits on what you can and can't do right after joining the site.

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I looked at the program code behind the Interesting People feature.


Bob is right: the number of days that one has been a member limits the number of people

you can add to the list, although nobody is allowed to add more than 500 people.


I don't know when or why these limits were instated. I think we should ask Josh before we

make any changes.

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Thank you both very much for having taken the time to have a look.


I can perfectly understand limits are important for the site. Still, I think the number may be a bit low considering the number of members.


But I'm still enjoying the site very much :-)


Thank you for the feedback

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Sorry for the late answer : I didn't expect any more posts. Thank you very much for taking the time to have a look at that. It is just a very little bit annoying, but really is a detail, and of course, if a larger list of interesting people increses the server load, forget about it : it is much more important to focus energies and ressources to the fuildity of the site.


thanks a lot



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