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Building a new website.

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Does anyone have any advice on building a new website? I am not very

experienced in website building but I would like to register a website name and

get started. There are sites like Freewebsite.com that offer templates to get

someone like me started. There largest site is $8.95/month. Is it normal to

pay a monthly fee for a website? I have heard of people paying about $9-10 per

year. What about size? I would like to add many photo's for various events

that I have taken photo's for so I do not want to be too limited with size. I

will of course make sure the files added to the website are small to help reduce

the size of the site.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you,


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It's a big subject but this might give you some basic tips - http://www.bobatkins.com/photography/tutorials/website/planning_website.html.


It really depends on what you want to do. If you just want a gallery you can use a site like Smugmug, though I'm not sure they enable you to use your own domain name. It's simple, it's either free or pretty cheap depending on the services you want, it's reliable and you don't have to know the first thing about HTML or JavaScript or domain administration.


If you want full control over everything, that requires a bit more work and knowledge, but shouldn't be beyond the capability of anyone who really wants to do it.


A domain name will cost you under $10/year and good website hosting is available for $7/month. Many of the good website hosting services make lots of free software available and take care of all the installation for you. Look for one offering the "Fantastico" package.

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Allan... you're confusing the owning of a unique domain name (which is something you have to pay a registrar for each year, and $10 or so year is the competitive rate) and the hosting of web content on a server somewhere. That second part can range from free (if you don't mind your visitors being subjected to other people's questionable advertising) to a few dollars a month to hundreds of dollars per month, depending on the sophistication of the site, the level of traffic you see, and the amount of storage you burn up.
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If you have a Google account, there are a few options you have for having a site, without having to learn a lot of code:


Picasa web albums (http://picasaweb.google.com), for uploading and displaying photo albums.


Blogger (http://www.blogger.com), Google's free blog hosting service. You can create a custom address, assuming its available (http://blahblahblah.blogspot.com, for example). A great way to start displaying photos and creating pages (AKA permalinks).


Google Labs currently has a beta version of something called Google Page Creator (http://pages.google.com), that allows you to create static web pages from a template.


Most services that I have dealt with that sell domain names allow you to point them wherever you want them, or you can buy web space and code your own site.


Hope that helps. Best of luck with your new site!

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Hi Allan.


I suggest you get a copy of this book. Its perfect for answering the kind of questions you are asking. It takes you from a beginning point all the way up to 'intermediate' level website development.




Creating Web Sites: The Missing Manual


by Matthew MacDonald


ISBN 10: 0-596-00842-2 | ISBN 13:9780596008420


The author is very knowledgeable on website development, and he walks you through the whole process, using easy to understand user-friendly language. Lots of good information here.

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I made a completely free web site using just Google tools. <a href="http://christine.mitchell.googlepages.com/christinemitchell">Take a look here</a>. I'm working on writing out step by step directions so anyone can make their own web site for free. You do have to have a Google account, but that's free too. I should be done in a couple of weeks (I hope). If anyone is interested, I'll post a link to the directions when I'm done and you can give it a whirl.
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