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Top rated photo section


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This morning I posted a photo that rated very high (a rare occurance for me) and

knew that it would appear in the top rated photo page. When it didn't show up in

the all catagories section I did a search unter the landscape catagory. It

returned as the top landscape photo. I then did another search under all

catagories and it appeared as the number 16 photo. Later in the day I checked

the top photos all catagories again and it was gone again. I then searched

landscapes again and it returned again as the top landscape photo. Going back to

all catagories again the photo did show up in the top 20. Each time I go back it

dissapears from the top rated photos until I do a search of landscapes. It

magically reappears in the all catagories each time, but not until I do the

landscape search. This has happened several more times today. Is this normal? I

haven't received any more ratings or comments since this began and wonder if any

one is seeing my photo. It has removed the fun from being an paying member of

this site. I would like for other members to critique my photo. Please look into

this for me. It is titled Avalanche Creek III. Not to be confused with I and II.

Thanks. I am kind of dissapointed with this.<div>00L2UF-36378384.thumb.jpg.bcfa58ddaa48aaedd901e46ebcbe25f4.jpg</div>

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It seemed to happen to me with my "Sunset" image. Same way you described it. I just filed it under "Life Sux with the rating system"


The official answer will refer to servers and time and database functions beyond human comprehension. When the platter dust settles your image will find a happy place amongst the scale.

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The explanation is very simple:

Your photo will only show up in the top rated photos (TRP) when you have 5 ratings or more. I checked your photo and you have 7 ratings in total (including only 4 anonymous). So when you look at the general TRP page, which is by default on "recent average", it only looks at your anonymous ratings, since you have less than 5, it won't show up. When you go to landscapes, the default is "average" which is the total average of your 7 ratings, and therefore your photo shows up. So unless you get more anonymous ratings, your picture will never show up in the main TRP page. Sometime it happens taht photos go under the radar, some people simply delete the photo and repost it to the critique forum. Btw, it's a very nice photo.

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Interesting. How is the length of time that the photo is in the rate recent queue determined. I have always felt that it blows through there pretty quickly. Is it a pre-determined amount of time or is it determined by the number of photos being presented to keep things flowing smoothly? In any case I feel slightly cheated. I most likely will receive only a few more comments from someone who either does the search on landscapes or from anyone who checks my page from time to time. I don't want to delete the photo and re-post because it would also delete the nice comments that other members were already kind enough to leave. Thanks for so clearly answering my question Younes and for your response also Robert.
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My pleasure Frank. The length of time depends on the filter you use, you can chose 24h, 3d, 1 week or even more...I know how you feel, but that's the nature of the game. I actually never use the "recent average" to look at photos, I don't trust anonymous ratings, they tend to favour nudes and kill pretty much all else. You just have to learn to live with the ratings :-) (I haven't learned yet, even though I keep telling myself they don't mean much.


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