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B&W Darkroom Access or Processor in Bangalore

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I will be travelling to Bangalore on business in June of this year and will be

there for a month. At home, in the US, I develop and print myself. I have

encountered issues when traveling abroad with manual inspection of film stock

at airport security. Airport security in certain countries will not do manual

inspection, or if they do, it is only after I offer significant resistance to

running the undeveloped film through the x-ray machine.


That said, it seems the best tack is to acquire the film abroad and either

develop the film myself while there (preferred) or find a lab to do



So my query is threefold:

I am looking for a place to acquire film. Favored films are HP-5 and TMZ

(Kodak T-Max P3200) but will live with Tri-X, TM--basically I will make do.

I am looking for a public darkroom primarily for film developement rather than


I am also looking for a reputable shop that does B+W film development as a

back-up to developing myself.


As a good citizen of of photo.net, I performed a search on this question and

found a few somewhat dated entries (2003, 2004). I did hit the website of G.

K. Vale, the shop most reccomended in the old posts, and their website seems

to indicate they have gone totally digital. No film processing was listed

under 'services', not even C-41...alas.


Grateful for anyone's assistance.

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Still too early to know what dimension beyond Bangalore the trip may consist of, but from a practical standpoint Bangalore would be better. I could fit in a trip to the darkroom after a day at the office or on a Sunday morning. However, I do have friends in Delhi and may make my way there if practical, so if you have the time to jot down a few recomendations I may very well avail myself of them.





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Here is the information on the pro-lab in Delhi:


SV Photographics

D-732 Basement

Chittaranjan Park

New Delhi

phone +91-11-41603702 or +91-98685-13909


There is also a good place to buy photo chemicals (powder mostly -- some from local Kodak production, some from other Indian manufacturers):


Madan Jee & Co. Shop # 12

Opp Moti Cinema

Chandni Chowk, Delhi

phone +91-11-23276958 and +91-9810-026678




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Dang, I keep on forgetting that this site doesn't do line breaks:


SV Photographics, D-732 Basement, Chittaranjan Park, New Delhi


phone +91-11-41603702 or +91-98685-13909



Madan Jee & Co., Shop # 12 Opp Moti Cinema, Chandni Chowk, Delhi,


phone +91-11-23276958 and +91-9810-026678




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I can't offer any help about Bangalor darkroooms, but I can offer advice on checking your film. I shoot infrared, which is very sensative to EVERYTHING. Your high speed film needs to be hand-checked.


My personal experiences have taught me that people working for airport security are wanting to make the process as easy for you as well as for themselves. All TSA (US inspection) officials I have encountered have been very courteous and cooperative. When dealing with people elsewhere, kindness and respect will usually help you get through without x-rays. Sometimes you may encounter someone who is put out by having to do something more than stand there and watch you go through the metal detector, but that is unusual.


Maybe keep a supply of chocolates handy to offer, just in case you encounter someone less cooperative.

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"Maybe keep a supply of chocolates handy to offer, just in case you encounter someone less cooperative."


Ahhm, wouldn't that be a bribe? I wouldn't try that (I also don't share your opinion on how nice/cooperative the TSA folks are, but maybe one of us has a small-sample problem on that -- and it could very well be me...)


On the issue of hand-inspection -- if you're flying to India from the US, you will most likely have to go through either a European or another Asian airport, neither of which will do any hand-inspections!


AFAIK, only Continental and American have direct flights from the US to India, and probably not directly to Bangalore...



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Sorry, I don't use Ilford film, so I never pay attention to that. I do know that Madanjee (address above) has TMax 100 (and other Kodak film) up to 4x5 sheets, so maybe you can give them a call.


Also, I picked the address for the Indian Ilford importer off the 'net, but I have never actually contacted them, so I don't know if the address or phone numbers are any good:


Photo Deals, 55-58 Ansari Market, Darya Ganj, Opp. Jain Co-operative Bank, New Delhi - 110 002,

Tel - + 91 11 232 835 66 / 7 / 8




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  • 10 months later...

I guess I am WAYYYYYYYYY too late to be of any assistance to you mike but just in case anybody in the future requires the address in Bangalore, here it is,

Prabhu Digitals

#32 2nd Floor,

Brigade Road, Bangalore 560001

Ph: +91 80 25582233

email : prabhuphotos@rediffmail.com

As far as i know, he is the only prolab in bangalore who will process b&w. However, this is not the best place to pick up B&W film itself because he usually has only Fuji Neopan emulsions. The best place for B&W film in bangalore is R.K PHOTO GUIDE, Near National Market, Majestic, Bangalore. I am afraid I dont have phone numbers. However, its my advice that whiever is travelling picks up film from Delhi as they are usually overpriced here in Bangalore. I am myself a resident of bangalore so if anyone has any queries about best places in bangalore, feel free to contact me.


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