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Fomapan 400 Emulsion Sludge


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I recently processed two roll of film in one stainless tank. One roll Tri-X

the other fomapan400. Both rolls like fine from a development/contrast



The fomapan400 has a streak smudge going down the length of the negative on

the emulsion side only. It is not a line, but an abstract looking smudge mark

that takes on different designs. I tried dipping again and again in PhoFlow at

the proper dillution with no bubbles, but can't seem to get rid of it.


I processed these together and the same way, but the fomapan400 just can't

seem to get rid of the smudge. The Tri-X is fine. Is fomapan just that much

cheaper that it has more issues? I'm not using a squeegie either. Just dip for

a minute and then hang.


Should I lay the negative flat on a few sheet of photo blotter paper?


I'm experienced at developing, and have over 35 years of doing this, but this

is the third time this has happened with fomapan400 for me. I never used this

film before.


Any help out there?




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Thanks for your response. The swirly sludge is all over the film, but mostly in the middle of the frames all the way down the roll. I tried again last night and it seems that most of it was removed with the fourth dunking in PhotoFlo 200. Might have to try again.


This film doesn't curl like Tri-X. Its mostly flat and feels a little thinner. I'm wondering if I need to adjust some of my timing.


Anyone else have this issue?

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I went back last night and developed another roll of Fomapan400 and realized that I didn't bring my fixer up to 20c. It was around 15c. Might need more time at that temp? :-)


So, the roll I did last night with fixer at 20c looked fine, but I will increase my fix times nonetheless.


I hate that sludge.


Thank you all.



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