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How do I get views


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Beau, I'm not sure I understand your comment. Whenever I browsed the gallery these past

few days, it was quite fast and there were no errors.


The views counter works by reading the log files to determine which images were accessed

and because the new photodb server uses different software, with perhaps different log files

or log files in different locations, the counter is currently broken.

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Hi Patrick!<P>


<I>Beau, I'm not sure I understand your comment. Whenever I browsed the gallery these past few days, it was quite fast and there were no errors.</i><P>


I wasn't clear - my apologies. I was referring to the "views" counter not incrementing. I put up shots about a week ago that still show zero views and was sympathizing that whatever the problem is, it must be a tough one to solve because it's taken so long. I wasn't referring to the site's performance.<P>


As Bob points out, it's not a big deal though and I realize you guys must have your hands full with more important things! I just didn't express myself well - I was trying and failed to be humorous about it.<P>


You guys do a great job running the site!

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