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different types of negatives


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i was wondering if someone could post pictures or tell me where i could find

some of some negatives, thin negatives, dense negatives, good contrast, high

contrast, low contrast. im new at this, ive processed several rolls but what i

think is high contrast negs turns out to be great, and vice versa, could

someone help me with this, thanks

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Michael, I just flipped through my copy of "The Negative" and didn't exactly see what John was asking for; at least not in a simple way. It is a great reference book, in my opinion.


John, see if you can find the Kodak book "Black-and-White Darkroom Techniques" in your library. I don't know if it is still printed (I saw it as recently as 2 years ago in B&H), but it's fairly short, aimed at beginners, and covers the basics. There are lots of pictures of 'problem' negatives and what the causes were, which definitely helped me in troubleshooting when I started developing my own B&W film.


Good luck.

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At least one of the books by Roger Hicks and Frances Schultz contains examples of variously exposed and developed negatives and the prints they produce. I have a copy but it's packed in a carton at the moment.


There are similar examples on the web but if I'm recalling correctly at least one of these didn't illustrate the differences as clearly as a well printed book or magazine.

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