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Nicole kidman as Diane Arbus!

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Ho There


I just saw a preview of a movie called "FUR" staring Nicole Kidman as Diane

Arbus- a sort-of biopic. I looks to be visually super and I have heard it

is "Interesting". I will undoubtedly go to see it and read up a bit more on Ms

Arbus in the meantime.


There were some good scens of vintage Rolleis.


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The trailer didn't do much for me. Trying to be arty and Hollywood at the same time. A sledgehammer with a designer handle. Nicole Kidman? Feh. Judy Davis would be more suitable.


Bet $$ that the Rollei shutter sounds like an SLR. Don't wanna send the entire state of Iowa into a mental confusion.


Jeez I can be a miserable old crank.

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Woolf, like Kidman is considered by many to have been quite a talented artist. Putting the fake nose on Kidman was a huge mistake. It made her look cross-eyed and was totally unnecessary. A review I read said that not one of Arbus' photos were shown in the film probably because her estate was not pleased with an "imaginary biography" of that very real person.
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Reflecting on Virginia Woolf brings to mind English author Samuel Johnson discussing poet Thomas Gray: "(h)e was dull in a new way, and that made many people think him great." "Many" revere Woolf's works as feminist manifesto, ignoring the poor technical quality and sheer tediousness of Woolf's writing.



By way of contrast, when I first looked through Diane Arbus' monograph it almost brought me to tears. I knew if I lived to be a hundred I probably wouldn't make a single image as perfect and powerful a several dozen of Arbus' best images.

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Preferences differ. I notice that in The Oxford Companion to English Literature Virginia Woolf is described this way...."Virginia Woolf is now acclaimed as one of the great innovative novelists of the 20th cent., many of whose experimental techniques (such as the use of the stream of consciousness or interior monologue) have been absorbed into the mainstream of fiction..."


I think, aside from both sharing a tragic end by taking their own lives, they have much in common as pioneers in their fields.

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Hollywood being the way that it is, I'm sure that Kidman was the biggest name the producers could get to take the role. Miscast? Well lets see, a tall blonde from Down Under cast to play a short Jewish New Yorker with brown hair? Yeah miscast certainly, but without Kidman in the billing, the movie probably would still be in what they call "development hell" That's show biz for you.
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<p> I can't imagine a worse movie "about" Diane Arbus...</p>


<p>"Fur" looks so awful and removed from reality, I don't know why they have to even call

Nicole Kidman "Diane Arbus". Why not instead call the main character something like

<em>Nancy Frutensmith the Emo 50's Woman Photographer</em>? </p>


<p>Next year watch for "StreetTalk" featuring a witty & wacky Take No Lip from No One

Chris Tucker as Garry Winogrand. Watch Garry work his smooth camera moves on the

streets of San Francisco putting the focus on <em>Looove</em> to woo all the fine

foxes. But when he inadvertently captures a drug deal gone bad with his D-200 watch out

cuz' the feathers and bullets are gonna fly as he tries to figure out the good cops from the

bad on a whirl-wind around the world trip through the streets of Milan, Tokyo, London,

and New York. </p>

<p>Special cameos by Matt Damon as Peter Beard, Jackie Chan as Henry Cartier Bresson

and Steve Buscemi as Lee Friedlander.</p>

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Maybe this is the beginning of Holywood seeing photographers as cultural hotties. They may just be working their way through the subcultures which abound in American culture but are rarely acknowledged in the major media. Personally, I am waiting for Hollywood to do a feature on "Those Darn Accordions" with Kidman as one of the female virtuosos on the Stomach Steinway aka the Belly Baldwin. What time is it? It's Polka Time! Isn't it odd that no one plays "air accordion?" pity. :)
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I saw a brief writeup on this film and it's mostly fictional. The film attempts to explain how Arbus developed as an artist by inventing a 3 month period of her life where she is transformed with the help of a fictional character from a dutifull '50's house wife into the Diane Arbus we know today. Maybe I'm wrong, but didn't Arbus have enough drama in her real life to fill about 10 feature films.
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