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"Careful what you say about Turnmills, that was one of my haunts a long, long time ago."


...and they still talk about you. Dazzling moves and every week a new outfit.


You should take your friend there. It might break down some barriers. I'll DJ.

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Thanks for the informative reply Guy.


I�ve been reading about vignetting problems with the Canon 5D over on the EOS forum. It was believed that it was more of a lens issue than the camera. I was wondering if any of the Leica lenses you use have the problem particularly as they have not been corrected for digital use.


I prefer to ask these questions to experienced practising users. Thanks

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<i><blockquote> Guy. Your problem is that you talk too much. You probably have a

bitg heart and sometimes you drown in your emotions. Sometimes we call it sticking

a foot in your mouth. </blockquote> </i><p>


Foot, mouth -- head, another orifice. Whatever.

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Micheal the 15mm 2.8 and 19mm 2.8 have a few issues in that regard. The 19mm you need to actually file down the corners of the hood, also in the very deep corners it does go a touch soft and same with the 21-35 at 21mm.


BTW I have been around the world several times shooting annual reports and advertising material.Any other stupid comments where I see no experience in these area's from the trools. For the ill informed I grew up on the East coast. You really need to know about someone before you act in this manner, you have no clue what I have done or what experience i do have in this industry but go right ahead and act like 5 year olds. It is the same 7 people that flood this forum with trash , I see it on every thread and the moderator really needs to step up to the plate, there is more in life to the precious M camera that riddles this forum with fanatics or just trolls that have there hand in there pants to get excited on what crap they can give out. Need to go, have to get ready to shoot some cowboys and indians. BTW Phoenix is the 5th largest city in America.


Micheal more than happy to answer any questions or help just e-mail me. I have more info on the 5D that maybe useful for you and your needs.

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anthony, I being true to form am late to this party,

so let me first start off by saying.."Hi, I'm Paul, and I'm a Professional." god, I feel better

just typing that p word..like a weight off my chest.

No, I'm not a super star like mr. pyke, but I like what I do and

have had a few clients who like what I do. I think that I have earned some respect of my

peers in the industry, which is satisfying, the others, the arm chair shooters, the photo

historians with stacks of out of print books, gallery owners/curators, the camera clubbers,

pnetters, and vast wasteland of picture takers, I don't really care.. not that they don't

matter, but they aren't in my consciousness..I throw out an opinion or photo here with not

much concern as how it is taken or not, but I would not expect to be attacked or even

judged here, I don't think anyone here has those credentials. This is a place to exchange

ideas and info, you get personal and someone will want to take it outside, and I'm all for

that, please label me cowboy american pro who buys r lenses for his dmr.

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" For the ill informed I grew up on the East coast"


For the equally ill informed I grew up in a cave and was raised by wolves. I may not be

smart but small mammals instinctively quiver in my presence. Judging by you, some

slightly larger creatures now feel the force.


Andrew, my moves were never less than dazzling. There was a time when London seemed

the most civilized place on the planet, the proximity of Turnmills and Metro was almost

enough to make you believe in the concept of divine (albeit a divinity hooked on C41, PCP,

and disturbingly snug pink tops) intervention. Regardless of how it must seem now, me

and Guy were once really close. We were pioneers of the early rave scene, but as things

moved on we grew apart. The real rift was over the introduction of whistles to the

dancefloor - I was for them, he was against - his last words in person to me were "You're

nothing but a cheap anarkistic kandy kid, with your hotpants, your bangles, and

your f#^*ing whistles". And he was right. Sadly, time takes it's toll on us all, and I find


today a disko dad rather than a kandy kid. I'm actually getting on a flight to London

tonight, so if in the next 10 days you see a beautiful creature standing wistfully in the


of Clerkenwell Road, twitching some moves in response to the beeps of the traffic lights, it

could well be me. Acieeed, acieeed, acieeed, acieeed, acieeed.......

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Thank you Peter. Waddya think my chances are of winning over the Phoenix Phireball?

Personally, I think the big mans starting to warm to me. I reckon he's beginning to find me

strangely attractive - he wouldn't be the first. Before you know it he'll develop a sense of

humor, and I'll be waxing lyrical over the dynamic range of the mighty DMR. Stranger

things have happened...

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You're being harsh Mike. Sure I'm a bit ruff around the edges now, but in my kandy

kid disko days no man, woman, or animal could resist me. Doris, on the other hand is as

depressingly beautiful as ever - she's always being mistaken for Maggie Cheung in Irma

Vep mode. Interestingly, a google image search reveals Guy to be a big, gorgeous,

(overly?) generous, slab of manmeat - sort of Vegas era Elvis with just a hint of The

Sopranos. Nice.

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boris, put your chaps back on, shave your titties, take guy's head out of your saggy, disco-daddy arse and post some pics. you've been in your cave too long - time to post some of those trademark b.c.han street shots : D
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<I>...I think the big mans starting to warm to me.</I><P>


Word's out he's now hot for you. But at this point is doing the hard to get thing, not wanting

to look too anxious and feeling the need to make you sweat a little.

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B/Doris, the idea that the proximity that of Metro to Turnmills could be someone's idea of

divinity simply proves that, at heart, you're a big, soppy romantic. A bit the like well...you



Thank you for finally being honest with us, and yourself, about your bust up with the big

man. Word was, on the street, that he was trying to tell you something important about

where Canon was going wrong but you were just too loved up wiggling your hips to Plastic

Dreams. And pink was never your colour, was it?


Finally, if you are coming over to Airstrip One, check out the new Stoppard at the Royal

Court. It sounds like a return to form. London's not just about Buck House and Fabric, you


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Andrew, the eagle has landed and is bedding down in a louche, but grand, eyrie in Mayfair

(Guy's hoping to join me at the weekend). Bizarrely (and again I could almost believe in

divine intervention), on one of the bedside tables is the June issue of Tatler, featuring a

dazzling contributor pic of you in what I presume is some kind of weird Brit national dress.

Is that a Morris dancers outfit? You look like Rupert Everett's older brother. Only

considerably more camp. Very nice pics, even if the opener is just a tad on the soft side.....


I'll confess I'd never actually seen a copy of Tatler before. It's an absolute freak show.

There's more mandibular prognathism than in an Appalachian village. I'm beginning to

think you weren't joking about being an old Etonian. And I now know why the photo editor

who told me Millie was at Tatler was smirking. Astounding. Life, yet again, proves stranger

than fiction.

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In my own somewhat misspent relative youth, I was often plopped down in Mayfair, when the firm's flat on St.James's square was otherwise occupied by more important persons, to fend for myself when I wasn't doing unmentionable things in the City. The WIDE pinstripe suits, the Saudis' Rolls, and the McLaren in its little exclusive one window dealership... that's Britannia in my mind. The sight of midwestern corn-fed American lawmeisters gnawing through mixed grills, chugging old port, and gyrating in glitter clubs before rendering invaluable advice in the morning makes me regret not carrying a camera very much those days.
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Welcome! Mayfair? You've really left your gaudy friends, in Hoxton and Clerkenwell, behind

haven't you?


As for the Tatler shoot, to which I wore my my dad's black tie, Millie asked me to

photograph this huge gala at the National Gallery. I initially declined because I don't want

to do society photography (although I have done it on occasions). Millie was keen for me

to do it 'cause she said it was going to look spectacular with everyone being dolled up in

belle epoque outfits. That's when I suggested we take along a paper background and some

studio lights.


We photographed the guests as they first entered the gallery. I had 2 or 3 frames on each

group. The opener is definitely soft and it pisses me off slightly because the next frame

was sharp....I think.


Incidentally, everyone from the editor, Geordie Greig, down helped on the shoot by

moving furniture etc. Nice team spirit and I can think of loads of mags where that wouldn't

be the case.


By the way, most of the small shots are simply scanned from the contact sheets which why

some of them have orange stickers on them. The film stuff was shot with the RZ, the dig

shot on the 5D which I love.


For the record I didn't go to Eton. I went to a local school, in Warwickshire, the Judy

Garland Academy for Car Mechanics and Applied Technologies. Graduation day was so



So, here you have it. The sordid truth. One more thing, I' ve aged badly since the photo

was taken, in March. My wife and I have been spending far too much time trying to make

the perfect gin and tonic, I kid you not.


If things don't get patched up between you and Guy, email me and I can show you where

us hip, middle aged kids hang out. I regularly go to this fab place called the Osteopath.

Talk about weird moves.

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Trust me, Mayfair is not my spiritual home in London (my own choice would have

been The Charlotte Street or 1 Aldwych). The tatler thing actually looks as if it would have

been oddly entertaining - sort of Brideshead meets the Adams Family. Sadly, my schedule

has changed and i'm not going to be able to show Guy my old London haunts this

weekend, I don't even think I'll be able to give him tough love via the interweb for the next

10 days or so. Hopefully others can step into the breach and give him the support and

attention he so richly deserves.

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Have you checked out Soho House? All the Bright Young Things have been flitting around

there recently.


Pity 'bout you and Guy. However, I've got a feeling in my bones that you two crazy

lovebirds will eventually get it together. When you do, ask him where he got the music for

his website. Mine is in need of updating and I'm not ashamed to pinch an idea or two.


If you think the June Tatler shoot was kind of fun, wait 'til you see what they got me to do

for the July issue (available from all posh newsagents now). Urban documentary at its

cussed, grittiest, nastiest, meanest.

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Nels, the website was put up four years ago and I haven't touched it since. Hopefully, I can

update it within the month.


I'm not sure how updating the website will change the way my work is perceived. I'm going

to cut down, or even totally remove, the fashion section. I rarely shoot fashion these days

(once in two years?).


I will also put up a lot more tear sheets from magazines. The biog needs to slightlly re-

tuned. I still shoot occasionally for US Vogue but I haven't shot anything for British Vogue

in 18 months.


Essentially, the old website is still a fair reflection of what I do. It just needs a bit of


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