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next most wanted classic camera

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If a genie suddenly appeared and said you could add just one more classic camera

to your collection, which would you choose? I have a Contax IIa, Leica

screwmounts plus an M3, Nikon F and F2, Canon F-1, Pentax Spotmatics, Zeiss

Contessa's, Voigtlander Prominents and Vitessas, most in superb condition. I

believe my choice would be a camera I have never held nor even seen in person, a

Nikon SP. If I weren't committed to 35 mm, I would consider a TLR Rollei,

Hasselblad, or even a Speed Graflex.

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On a trip to Moscow in my Younger days I saw the Start Camera that they were Going to use for their Cosmonauts. I guess that it is still in the box like ther Lunar Program.They did though get to use a better one on their Space Stations. it was a Kiev 88.



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I would really like to have a beat up M3 ss that I could throw some 35mm summicron glass onto. Then roll a little Tri-X through and head to the saloon.


I think my second choice would be a green Argus A.

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Um, Kerry, I've taken a census. My household has enough cameras. More than enough cameras. Too many cameras. Some were even made before 1970 and some of the post-'70 ones are in the, um, classic spirit.


But it doesn't have enough lenses. I hope someone will start a thread about desireable 1970 and older lenses.


I want one old lens for a small project. A 100 or 105 or thereabouts f/6.3 Zeiss Tessar. The ideal would be a post-WWII coated CZJ in a working or fixable shutter, but even a pre-WWI echt Zeiss or Zeiss licensee (B&L, Krauss, Ross, ...) in barrel would do just fine. Faster tessars need not apply, f/6.3 or none.


And one post-'70 lens. 610/9 Apo Nikkor for another project. No pressing need for it, which is just as well since I don't think I have the money for one just now. 600/9 need not apply, too heavy.

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Dan and Vivek,


I agree that another camera or even lens is not required at this point. What I really need is new enthusiam to get out of my rut to find new photo situations. I am fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the country (Seattle) with the long daylight of Summer ahead of me. I want to be excited about taking photos again, as I was on my trips to Spain in revent years. I think I have the equivalent of writer's block. Anybody know how to find new photo opportunities in your local area?

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Kerry, I just went for a jaunt on my bicycle Friday night, and I explored an area of Scarborough that blew my mind. There's a foot path that leads down to the water's edge below the Bluffs, and it's a lost world in a city environment. I followed this path halfway across Scarborough, and met only one person. I saw deer tracks in the mud, and it took nearly an hour before I saw anyone at the other end of the trip. I shot off a roll of film with my Fed 5 which I'll send off this week. I hope it came out all right, the view of the Bluffs from below is stunning.
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Hey Mr. Dressler,



I was looking for the "olive drab" with the brass fittings. I am not even sure if it is a stock camera, but I saw it on the internet and throught is was cool.


I am trying to collect all the variations of the C3 and the A.




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Kerry, if all else fails, go out to the San Juans. My aged mother summers on Lopez Island and some years we visit her there. I don't think we'll do it this year. Go to Lopez. If Shark Reef doesn't bring you back to life there's no hope for you.
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