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Google Analytics


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I don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but Photo.net seems

to have suddenly become dramatically slower. Looking at the bottom of

my Firefox 1.5 window, it seems to spend a long time sending data to

or receiving data from Google Analytics. Is this a new addition for

visitor tracking? If so, is it slowing things down for anyone else? It

seems to have the same effect for me in Safari.


I know that Google Analytics has been absolutely swamped since it

began its free service, so it seems possible to me that this might be

the cause of increased loading times.

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It slows page loading <i>way</i> down for me as well; sometimes it just sits there and grinds away. This started a couple of weeks ago. A better method of interrogation would make for a more pleasurable sojourn on this site.
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Please note that Brian said "I don't appreciate this capability being advertised in this forum," i.e. in this forum, he does not like people actively encouraging other people to use particular pieces of software.
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We use Google Analytics to do the equivalent of analyzing web logs. They do not provide any information that we could not get from the logs themselves, but it saves us a lot of work and time, which considering our resources is useful. On the rare page, I've had to wait for the Google Analytics script to run. It is not the norm. On the list of things that slow photo.net down, Google Analytics is far down the list and is of no consequence to anyone.


When you tell people to block Javascript, you are making things more difficult for us, for almost no gain to yourself, or benefit to the person to whom you are giving the advice. Ben Anderson and B Diamond can connect to the site using a network analyzer and look at the ones and zeros going by, for all I care. I hope they will find this fast, secure, and free of annoying ads. But I'm fed up with them regularly chiming in on this forum advising people to block ads, Javascript, etc. I'm not providing this forum to give a platform to people to work agendas that are contrary to the interests of this site, and the two of them will be banned from this forum if they don't knock it off.

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Brian, I understand why you need to use the Google script. But the problem for me is that it is not, as you say, just "...the rare page...". I am testing the script blocker right now and the site is loading considerably faster for me. If the increase in speed were not so remarkable I would not bother you with this response. <p>

Is there something else that I could do to help increase the page loading (instead of blocking scripts). As it is, for me, this site loads so slowly that I spend less and less time visiting (please, no sarcasm here).

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Please could you advise me, privately if you so wish, as to what I am allowed to respond to - obviously I won't mention ad/script blocking again, but I really don't wish to be banned for talking about any other subjects which may cause me to inadvertantly venture across 'the line'. Many other people have advocated this particular technology and since I saw no rebuke was unaware it was 'not cricket' at PN.


I hope you realise that I have tried to contribute positively to the site and thoroughly enjoy using it.


Happy New Year.



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My apologies Brian. My comments are never meant to cause you difficulty.


When I first joined Pnet as a guest member, there were very, very few ads and no scripts from web marketing companies. I paid my membership dues for the year and within a few short months there are a lot more ads and now scripts.


A lot of the time I access the site via a dial-up modem. Pnet has become virtually inaccessible to me now via dial-up due to all the ads and scripts loading/running.

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