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Push Processing Agfa APX 400


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APX 400 is (was) closer to a 200 film and doesn't push well, IMO. Microphen would be better than D-76 for pushing this film. Unfortunately the PC on which I kept my development data crashed and I can't recall my efforts with APX 400 at 800 in Microphen. You might be able to divine a starting point from data on the digitaltruth.com website's Massive Dev Chart.
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Thanks very much for your response, I'll drop the D-76 idea. I'm thinking of adding 30% more time to the standard time suggested by Ilford for MIcrophen for APX at 400, but I'd be delighted if you have a better idea. I'm not surprised to learn that APX is closer to 200 ASA, whatever else it is, my experience with it is that it is certainly a soft grainy film, very fine for certain types of street scenes though, and when shot at 400 it processed very nicely indeed in Microphen with standard development. I unfortunately needed to shoot one additional stop, hence my shooting it at 800. I was very surprised to not be able to find the development time for it at 800, with what you advised, now I think I know why.
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