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HC110 with TMax 100 or Ilford films


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I have read a lot of people that seem to use HC110 at a 1:45 ratio. I'm trying

to come up with a starting time for development. I current use a lot of TMax

100 but have started using some Ilford films. The only development times I can

find on any charts is for dilution A and B. Why aren't the other dilutions on

the charts? I've seen a few people say develop the 1:45 for about 4:30, but

according to the chart @ 68* you should develop for 6 minutes for dilution B.

Since 1:45 is a weaker dilution, shouldn't the development time be longer?

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Not to brag, but I was the one who started posting that procedure. The times for Tri x at 1:32 and EI 200 are too short for good control and diluting to 1:63 makes to much grain. 1:45 is about in the middle and the negs are amazing.


If you double the dilution ( 1:63), times are normally extended 50%, say four to six minutes. 1:45 should be right in the middle, 5 minutes. I tested and it works.


Another way is just multiply the time for 1:32 by 1.25. Just shoot 6 frames on a roll, pull out 12 in in the dark and develope and PRINT for a trial. I have a bench marked with various distances for how many frames have been used and I develop partial rolls all the time

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I might add HC110 will develope TMax 100 and the prints will look good to you until you compare them to D76 negs/prints. Do the same subject at the same time with both. You will see what I mean.


Kodak`s site lists Xtol and D76 in bold letters meaning they are a primary recommendation. HC110 is not bold meaning it is secondary. They no longer clearly explain this coding, but it has been in use 50 years I know about.


It works fine with Delta 100, 5 min at 68 for a condenser enlarger.

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I use HC110 with Tri-X (TXP 320) all the time at Dilution H (twice the dilution of "B") and have no problem with grain using small tank processing of 120 film.<p>


<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/viapiano/sets/72157594181176569/">Click here for an example</a><p>


I have yet to try it with TMax 100/400, but there was a very nice portfolio in last month's View Camera magazine, wherein the photographer used HC110 Dilution B with TMax and the results were excellent.

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