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Silly question from novice- developer turns pink-purple?

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Thank you for opening this post! I am sure this is a dopey thing to ask, but why does my

developer turn purpley pink after I use it? Is this normal? I am not looking to reuse it, I'm

just curious. I used Tmax film & developer. The developer could be expired, I rarely

develop my film.

Am I doing something wrong?<div>009hVu-19927784.jpg.fcacb130d73c850baa3776320d3a14aa.jpg</div>

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It's normal, Jennifer. TMAX antihalation dye leaches into the developer with no effect on development. You may need to wash a bit longer to remove it all. With adequate washing, I find it finally goes away. Some folks keep it in the fix to do the same thing. I don't, I let it come off in the wash. 35mm film seems to me to be a bit more resistant to washing than 4x5 film.


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Simple solution -- don't reuse the developer. If you're developing TMax 3200 it's best to use Tmax developer as one-shot anyway.


Fix with Kodak Rapid Fixer. It's much stronger than regular fixer -- 4 minutes in rapid fixer = 10 minutes in regular fixer. I fix Tmax in it for 3 minutes when it's fresh, 4 minutes when it's somewhat old. If it's questionable, I dump it.


I follow that with a quick rinse, 1.5 minutes of Hypo clear to cut the wash time, then 10 changes of water for a final wash.

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Also... Things are a bit different wether you're working with 35mm or 120 films. In

medium format, you'll experience a lot more "tinting" in the developper. As always, with

both formats, a 30 second prewash (in pure water) eliminates most of this. In any case, if

your chemicals are new (single use), there's not much to worry about.

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