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Paterson's discontinuation of developer/darkroom items

fred aspen

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Last info appears to date from August.


Geoffrey Crawley wrote (Amateur Photographer 12 Aug 06) to the effect that Paterson told him that alternative locations of production were being negotiated and it was hoped that supplies will be renewed.In the unlikely event of commercial availbility ceasing the published FX formula range might be reconsidered, he noted.

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"There is a huge surplus of new old stock tanks and reels at stores, a surplus of folks used tanks and reels in estate, garage sales, thrift stores, ebay etc. One wonders how they could survive with the huge inventory of items sitting idle."


Unfortunate but true. This point is brought up every time a traditional manufacturer dies or kills off a film based product (enlargers, cameras etc.) We are gradually getting to the point where the used market or homemade products will be the only way to pursue film based photography. Some see this as no big deal given the current glut of used stuff currently available but I'm not convinced it bodes well for the future of our craft.

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Received this PM from Lowell Huff, apparently a principal at Clayton:


"Paterson asked if i would produce their formulas, they did not want to pay the price for us to make it. We feel as do others that this is a much better developer and a better value."


Looks like Paterson Darkroom is 'fini.'

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Somewhat confusing but in the original question, I expressed a preference for Acutol so perhaps the comparison was Clayton's offering as compared to Acutol. Or it could mean that Clayton's offering is superior to all of Paterson's offerings.


That's the best I can offer....



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Thanks, Ron. I've been reading some on developers, and it seems that Paterson's FX-50 might be the best for Fuji Acros. Seems to still be in stock at B&H.<BR><BR>

I was just curious if you'd used Clayton's develoepr - the F76 plus Film Developer seems to be highly rated for modern films as well. I haven't used it yet, though.<BR>


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It looks to me that Paterson will continue to produce darkroom products(Tanks, trays etc), but have dropped their range of photo-chemicals.

Lowell will send you technical details of F-76 Plus if you contact him. I have read somewhere, reports of FX-50 losing activity quite rapidly once the bottle is opened.(Have never used it, so can`t say if that`s a one-off or not).

It is about time Paterson made an annoucement on their site to clarify the situation.

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