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Who is still making film cameras.


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<p>Affordable? A Leica might be affordable to one person, and to another, their budget may only allow for a single use disposable. <br>

The whole range of formats to consider, too. <br>

I wonder if there aren't more MF film cameras, than 35mm being produced now, (excluding disposables)?</p>

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<p>Affordable? A Leica might be affordable to one person, and to another, their budget may only allow for a single use disposable.</p>



<p>My bad. I missed the "affordable" in the OP. While "affordable" is all a matter of how much money you have in your pocket, I think most people would consider a Leica to be a bit of money to spend.</p>

<p>I think Cosina/Voigtlander is probably the only one making them at this point. They are the ones making the lower end manual vivitar and nikon branded ones and they have a few under their own brands as well.</p>

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<p>Yeah, the price on the Canon EOS 1v new is around US$1700. Is that cheap?</p>

<p>Which brings up the problem for <em>new</em> film cameras -- the prices of recent, full-featured film cameras in "like new" condition in original box and all are so cheap that it's hard to sell the latest thing new anymore. I got a nice Canon EOS 3 model for under US$200 not too long ago. So many of those cameras you used to lust after in the magazines are now even cheaper.</p>

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<p>Affordable? You can still find "new old stock" Nikon N75/F75 bodies. I have one I got a few years ago, right after they went out of style, for $70, and now they're harder to find but at least that cheap.</p>

<p>Then there are the cheap film cameras made by Chinese companies, and of course expensive cameras and medium and large format cameras.</p>

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Fuji still makes film cameras.


At the very cheapest end you have disposable cameras - shoot one roll then turn in the entire camera for development.


They have a couple of low-end point and shoots, a few instant-film camera models and they still make the Klasse S and Klasse W 35mm compacts. Towards the high end you have the GF670 medium-format folder.


Their 35mm cameras: http://fujifilm.jp/personal/filmcamera/35mm/index.html


Instant film cameras: http://fujifilm.jp/personal/filmcamera/instant/index.html


The GF670: http://fujifilm.jp/personal/filmcamera/mediumformat/gf670/index.html

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<p>Promaster sells the 2500PK, which uses Pentax K-mount lenses. I'm not sure who actually makes it, or if they are still actually making it, or if Promaster is just selling off existing stock. Its probably made by Chinon or Cosina.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.promaster.com/products/products.asp?CatID=110&SubCatID=4&sm=sm2_1104">http://www.promaster.com/products/products.asp?CatID=110&SubCatID=4&sm=sm2_1104</a></p>

<p>I actually saw one in a camera store a few months ago.</p>

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<p>Since stating that I was going to end buying film cameras, since October I have bought a Canon F-1n, F-1N, and Nikons N90s, F5, and an N80. All were in very nice condition and the F-1N is as close to new as you can come in in a previously owned camera. The N90s came with an M-26 data back and the whole thing cost $90 in LN- condition. I wouldn't mind a Nikon F6 or a Nikon SP but I will never see these at affordable prices.</p>
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<p>I think Seagull (in China) still makes new cameras, but if you read the archives you will find that quite a few owners are not impressed with their reliabilty. On paper, the twin lens models look nice, but for the same money or less, you could get a much better (IMHO) used Rolleicord or Yashicamat. For 35mm Seagull has (or at least had) a clone of the Minolta X370. This model is battery dependent with aperture priority and metered manual exposure. All Minolta manual focus lenses will fit it. One of those might be less risky than the Seagull TLR, but for my money I'd rather look for one with the Minolta brand.</p>
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<p>Fuji has a 6x6 convertible 6x7 auto exposure film camera, available made by Fuji or Cosina (Bessa 667). Fixed lens. Fuji also sold, until about year 2000, some compact autoexposure 6 x 4.5 film cameras.</p>

<p>The New Mamiya 6 (6x6) was discontinued in the early 2000s but still available used and not infrequently in mint condition, with three lenses. The smaller Mamiya SLR (6 x 4.5) may still be in production, or it may havec been "digitised".</p>

<p>The Mamiya 7 (6x7, also 120 film) is the current film camera and has 6 lenses I think.</p>

<p>Not sure if Hasselblad or Rollei are still making 6x6 SLR film cameras, but possibly so.</p>

<p>Leica makes the M7, an autoexposure film camera with many (more than a dozen) interchageable lenses, but is not really what you can class as affordable. Other expensive manual exposure but modern film cameras are the Leica MP and the Alpa MF (6x6 to 6x9) cameras</p>

<p>All these film cameras, except those noted otherwise, offer auto exposure as well as manual exposure with electronically operated meters.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I don't think anyone yet mentioned the Holga and Diana cameras still being made and sold new. They definitely qualify as "affordable," and are being pushed by significant places like the MoMA design store and the ICP (International Center for Photography, based in Manhattan) gift shops.</p>

<p>Also, <a href="http://www.lomography.com/">Lomography</a> is dedicated to all sorts of real-live actual new film cameras, like those mentioned above but also film-based "crazy effect" cameras such as dual-lens deals that take photos viewable in 3D; cheapo fisheye lenses; actual made-of-paper pinhole cameras; 35-mm TWIN LENS REFLEX! cameras; wide-angle cameras; 4-in-a-row-on-one-35-mm-frame "action shot" cameras; and lots more.</p>

<p>This might sound like a silly market, but precisely because they're cheap, film cameras like these hold some appeal to folks who otherwise might not be interested in spending/"wasting" money on a film camera. The thing is, cameras like these do cool things that can't be duplicated by digital cameras. I mean, sure with post-processing you can do all kinds of stuff, but these film cameras easily, cheaply, and with legit "old school" cred pull off these effects "the right way," if I may be so bold.</p>

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<p>If you attach a mirrored viewfinder to a large format camera, this is also considered a single lens reflex :-)<br>

Which means there are many active manufacturers: Arca Swiss, Walker, Ebony, Linhof, Sinar, Canham, Toyo, Silvestri, Horseman, Tachihara, Gaoersi, Gandolfi, Wista, Gottschalt, etc. to name a few.<br>

Some of them are 'affordable', for others you might have to trade your new car.</p>


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