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Image Comments posted by matt_kime

  1. First off, I think the accusations of photoshopping are fair, although I find it strange that the argument should become so heated. What does it matter if it is a photoshopped image or one caught on film? As far as I'm concerned, what is said is whats important, not the tools that are used to arrive at it. Discussion of technique are fine, but they should not alter our views on the content of the image.


    I'd really like to see a print of this image. I'm often frustrated by what is lost scanning and uploading.


    Finally, I personally don't find the image all that appealing. The photographer did an excellent job of capturing the trees and the birds but I don't think they form an interesting relationship. Where are the birds headed? (Apparently straight through the frame, towards a warmer and more colorful location.) I don't care for the flatness or lack of color. I don't think it adds mood, it just feels like a lack of information.


    Was the shot taken at the longer end of the lens? I've never seen a day this foggy, but it makes sense if the trees are at a distance.


  2. I think the tv is perfect, but the rest of the room doesn't quite fit.


    You've stumbled into the territory of one of my favorite photograher's, Lee Friedlander. This past fall he released a book of his television screen photos - "Lee Friedlander: Little Screens." Look it up. The book isn't one of his better ones - the thematic focus is too simple. Definitely take a look at his earlier books when you have a chance.

  3. The image is well executed, I think you got everything you were going for. It is a common picture, it needs another element in order to really stand out.


    I think the image could use a bit more contrast. It also looks a bit more green.

  4. I've spent some time looking over this image and can't help but come to the conclusion that it looks like it was built in a studio. The discussion above indicates that it wasn't, but I still feel it looks like a picture of a toy. I think this is mainly due to the lighting. How was it lit? It certainly looks artificial. Also, it would help if we could see some sky. A longer exposure may have captured it.
  5. Its a good shot, but unfortunately most of the image is of the back of whoever is in front of this girl.


    I looked through your portfolio and you appear to be dedicated to working in this style and stick to the subject matter of portraiture. Its really excellent that you're doing this, as few people on this site commit like this. Just keep making photographs and you will grow.

  6. This is a very well executed shot. I suggest pushing yourself further by thinking more about what you want the flower to express. People project emotion on everything. I suggest you take a look at Mapplethorp's pictures of flowers for inspiration.

    Kaneohe night


    This is a great landscape pic. However, you color could be MUCH better. The image seems to have a green cast across the entire image. If you play with color correction in photoshop, you'll be able to bring out a much more complex image. Most likely, the sky is actually some kind of dark blue. You really owe it to yourself to figure this out, it will make a world of change.



    Light my fire


    Yes, this shot is done prefect, technically.


    I really don't feel there's a sense of motion. Yes, we see the lit flame and the trail it has left. But there's a lot of thinking involved in translating that into motion.


    Otherwise, the content of this pic is fairly boring.

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