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Image Comments posted by matt_kime

  1. I can't help but feel there is something wrong with the color in this image. Look at the rocks in the foreground. They're not neutral as they should be. The rocks on the left side of the frame look a bit washed out. I'm not sure what caused this, but i tend to believe its improper color balancing.


    i don't care for the frame. i think the black is too thick and heavy for the image. also, the one pixel line doesn't work for me. i'd rather your photograph take up those couple of extra pixels.


    i just really don't go for the selective decoloration. i feel the effect is so strong and obvious that it detracts from a very well composed photograph.

    Big tube


    well shot, but i think we've all seen it before.


    and do we need the frame and shadow? its a computer screen, not a wall...

  2. I don't really care for the fog effect. i find it distracting since it doesn't have depth, so it just emphasizes the flatness of the image and adds no detail to the objects.

    overall, the image falls flat with me. it catches the eye because of all the lines but when i take a closer look i notice that the wheel and the lines overlap and have been brought together by the photographer. its people on a ride at an amusement park with another ride in the background.

    Water Lily

    what i like about this pic is the way the flower sits in relationship to the leaves and how its reflected in the water. i think pretty flower pics are a dime a dozen but i really like how you placed the flower in a space


    i like how the haze separates the tree from the background, but the whole image is washed out because of it. i find the dark corners distrcting
  3. i think leslie deserves to be thanked for stimulating such a great discussion, even

    apart from taking the photograph.


    now why don't we head over to the Featured Portfolio? 39 pics, 39 times as much to

    talk about.

  4. my complaint about the choice of this image is: "what does it say?" the idea of flower

    macros as abstract images is hardly inventive. I just don't see this image as anything

    other than pretty.


    I largely agree with the photographer about her feelings about her pics. I like her

    Meat series a lot more. I think this image:




    says a lot in an unexpected manner. i believe its one of the most original images on

    the site. i feel like too many of these images get overlooked for praise and discussion

  5. Geraldine Allen said: Should the story of a documentary shot always be blatant in one capture in order to be successful?

    Blatant? It doesn't have to be blatant per se, but it definitely should NOT be confusing. I find the question of what is going on in this pic to be so strong that it detracts from everything else. I think captions are fine for answering the five "W" questions but ultimately the photo should stand by itself. I think part of my confusion comes from the post of the man. He's standing over the camel with his hands resting on his head and neck. At this particular moment, he's not helping the camel.

  6. I don't feel this image is the best of the series. I had no idea what was going on in the shot until I read the comments. I wasn't even sure if the camel was alive.

    Also, whether or not the shot was posed, the man definitely looks like he's posing.

    as for "astounding range of tonal values" - there's black, there's white.....so? Its definitely well, shot, but i don't think these pics are trying to make a formal statement.

  7. I find the image gimmicky. Simply, the distortion doesn't relate to the subject. Its a clever visual trick that doesn't communicate anything. Ultimately, this is the point that frustrates me the most about photo.net - there isn't enoguh discussion about the relationship between image and idea - this usually becomes an issue over the POW.


    As far as originality is concerned, the image is certainly a creative use of materials. However, I don't see an original message here - and I do think originality is best measured in the message.

  8. i'm in the boat that isn't too crazy about this image. i don't find the image quality particularly attractive, nor is the composition all that interesting. it may be different if i saw it in person. also, i'm not a fan of the white border. I think it just makes the images look smaller.


    that being said, i think the folder of images is much stronger than any of the single images. i think the rating of single images tends to encourage one hit wonders. more dedicated and detailed projects get ignored. its good to see someone that is dedicating themself.


    finally, its my belief that the photographer should say the bare minimum necessary about their own work. that is, they should say only what is required for the images to make sense. whenever you state directly what your photograph is about, you close off personal reactions that others may have. while this image may be about the impossiblity of free sight to you, it may be about a million other things to other people.

  9. This looks like an excellent shot. You've really worked at these puddle shots and its paid off. Unfortunately, I think its a gimmic, so i think you should only display one.


    My last complaint is that you used a digital camera. You should have been shooting medium format - then you could make a poster size print.

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