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eden a.

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Image Comments posted by eden a.

  1. Fairly moody shot, which fits with the style and image of the band,

    especially that of the drummer. I'd like some feedback on the shot

    (composition, lighting (although that wasnt in my control), overall

    look/feel, etc.


    BTW, the shot appears to come up a little bit darker on the photo.net

    website than the uploaded file actually was. I am hoping that its a

    quirk of my browser or something. I'm curious if anyone else has had

    their uploaded files come out darker on the website than on their


  2. This shot really just captured my eye and tripped my trigger on all sorts of levels, perspective, angle, lighting, mood/environment, color, cropping..all of it.


    And maybe it's because of the years i spent going to college in brutaly cold winter climates, but I have to say i really respect your determination in braving the cold for that one :)


    Actually it was more candid than posed. I had been changing film and she was waiting for me to finish, rather oblivious to me when I grabbed this shot.



    I took this shot of a fairly new child model in AZ recently, using

    available light. I was trying for less staged/obviously posed images,

    that captured the childs look while also showing some

    mood/environment (without getting so artistic that the shots wouldnt

    be viable in her portfolio).


    I'd appreciate any feedback on the image, &/or suggestions to improve

    my results on future shoots with child models.


    I also have a second similar image of the model smiling in a

    *slightly* different pose in the 'Tori' folder within my portfolio.

    If anyone would care to comment on which of these two similar images

    they prefer (and why) that would also be much appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.

  3. My fashion editorials are often very 'non-traditional' thematically. This particular editorial had a very rough edged sensuality, but it was all between the 2 models. In the few shots where either model engaged the camera directly, it really came across like the viewer/camera was intruding on something or interrupting them. I chose this the more agressive of those shots to include with the editorial. This was the last shot of 5.


    the scans should be as good as the slides. However, if you are doing night photography or work that has very subtle color gradations you sometimes will wind up with less than equal results. My lab tends to get me about 90-95% of my scans turning out as good as the original slides.
  4. I'd never thought of such a different use of a polarizing filter, or even thought of trying to capture that type of subject in that way. I commend you on both an innovative choice of subject and execution. Beautiful image.

    Cab Driver

    I just am taken with...maybe its the 'too cool' chases on the cabbie, when set in that car in that city that clicks for me. I'm not sure, but it just works for me. Very nice.
  5. These shots are part of a series documenting the body modification culture. Your reaction to the shots as though the purpose is mere shock value shows a lack of knowledge on the subject. Many people involved in this culture weave alot of spirituality into their decision to ornament, modify, and change their bodies. This isnt anout shocking anyone any more than the Maori or other aboriginal and tribal people's tattoos and various other body modifications are. You dont question the ethics of the photographers who document the lifestyles and culture of those peoples do you?
  6. (its not really a portrait in the standard sense of the word, but I

    dont see where else it would fit in)


    This is from a fashion editorial series i shot in mid-june with a

    young model Geneveive from Wilhelmina models in L.A., makeup by

    Raymond Morales Jr.


    All constructive comments & critiques welcome. Thanks!

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