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Everything posted by za33photo

  1. Well I fell off the wagon again 😁. I could not resist buying this lens. The lens is in pristine condition , it came in its original box , complete with all paperwork and original sales invoice. Word cetainly seems to have gotten around that I was looking for "period correct" lenses for my Nikon FM2n 🥰. Just thought that I would share with all you like minded people.
  2. za33photo


    ----- or Push. Nikon FM2n film camera. Nikon AF Nikkor 50mm f1.8 "D" lens. Fujicolor C200 film.
  3. za33photo


    Nikon FM2n film Camera. AF Nikkor 50mm f1.8 "D" Lens. Fujicolor C200 Film.
  4. I have been looking for a wide angle lens to use on my Nikon FM2n for a long time without success. This was the only one that I could find , I am fully aware that this particular lens is not regarded as the best one that Nikon made , but I bought it anyway , I was also able to haggle the seller down to a VERY reasonable price. The lens appears to be in quite good shape , It operates smoothly and there are no scratches on the lens elements , there is also no fungus present. If the lens does not work out , I will not have lost a lot of money , a condition of the sale was that there would be no returns , the seller assured me that the lens still works , we will see 😁😁😁.
  5. za33photo


    Canon PowerShot G1X.
  6. Minolta Riva Zoom 70EX 35mm Point and Shoot Camera. Fujicolor C200 Film.
  7. Nikon FM2n , Ilford Delta 400 , No other details.
  8. Methinks that it is best to let sleeping dogs lie. Photo.Net will either survive or not survive , I think that we should all enjoy using what we have now , while we still can.
  9. za33photo


    Canon PowerShot G12.
  10. Canon PowerShot SX100is.
  11. Ok , after some thought and sleeping on it , I think that I have worked out a way to be able to use the front part of the case on the Nikon , without the result looking too "Home Made" , detailed measurements will have to be made as some work will be needed. (Thought------now that is the HARD part 😄😄😄).
  12. Handheld , 1 second exposure , ISO 100 , I must pay more attention to Camera settings in future 🥴. Canon PowerShot G1X.
  13. I had this old Asahi-Pentax camera case lying around cluttering up the house , the Camera died years ago and I no longer have it. I decided to make the case fit on my Nikon FM2n as the Nikon does not have a case. The fit is not perfect , but I think that it is OK , and hey , it is better than no case at all. Unfortunately the front part of the case is too small to accept Nikon lenses , but this is fine , I will use it as a "Half-Case". I might in the future think about cobbling together a lens protector of some sort for this case.
  14. Oh how true , in my country Local and National "government" frequently appoint unsuitable people 😖.
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