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Everything posted by nikkolee

  1. Update: I tried out a couple TLR’s and the Hasselblad 500.... but the pull of the Pentax was too strong. Snagged a handsome minty late 67 MLU along with the SMC 55mm f4 lens for $650 Thanks for the advice and comments everyone :) Cheers
  2. Hi Ben, I have shot on an RZ67 before, found it quite finicky and the build IMO doesn't seem solid. Might have been a bad example/experience of one but yeah... will definitely be checking out the Hassy, everyone seems to be recommending either that or a Rollei. Guess the original plan seems to have deviated quite a bit hahaha.
  3. I would preferably like a light meter if i was going the RF route as such the M-A and older M's are ruled out.
  4. Thans for the links, the photo quality still looks great. However i wish to go for that heavy contrast look as mentioned, Fan Ho, Brassai etc.
  5. Hi SCL, thanks for the advice. I'm not a complete beginner, just so happens that the Nikon FM2 i was gifted is my "own" film camera. Have fiddled around with film in the past 3 years, played around with RF's and MF's as well. Just never had a great interest in film till last month. 1) I do not wear glasses. 2) Yes, i would like a light meter. 3) I am a hobbyist, the occasional print for personal pleasure 4) Depends on needs, i process B&W by myself as the development kit for B&W is readily available where i'm from. I would like to purchase any of the cameras i've mentioned, firstly as i've saved up and feel like living it up. Secondly, as the resale market for these "brand" cameras is there so i could always opt out if I wanted to. Any camera recommendations?
  6. Hi Gary and Conrad, same rationale as to what i said to movingfinger. Looking for something with an interchangeable lens system. Gary, i know it sounds silly considering that for most people they would choose a Hasselblad over a Mamiya or a Pentax easily but the option of a rangefinder/slr style viewfinder is very appealing to me. Although the Hasselblad does have a prism style viewfinder, it does seem some what silly to use a Hasselblad with a prism.
  7. Hi movingfinger, i did look into TLRS however i prefer a camera with an interchangeable lens system. Yes i have looked at Vivian's work, i would describe her images as a softer looking William Klein, if that makes any sense? Anyways G.A.S stands for gear acquisition syndrome. Thanks for the reply :)
  8. Good day fellow internet people, I was gifted a Nikon FM2 along with two lenses (Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AI and Nikon 35mm f/2 AI-S) for Christmas from my Ex. Have been hooked on photography since. I’m a fan of Fan Ho, Brassaï and Sebastian Salgado. That rich contrast and vivid detail look. Please feel free to share similar photographers. I am always on the look out to learn more. To the main point. I’ve caught the gear acquisition syndrome bug and am looking to either acquire a rangefinder or medium format camera. Preferably I would like to get a camera which will still operate without batteries. For rangefinders I’m looking at the Leica M6, Bessa R4M or Zeiss Ikon. (yes i know the Zeiss Ikon needs batteries to operate however from my research it seems like its worth putting into the mix) As for medium format I’m looking at either the Mamiya 7ii or Pentax 67ii (yes i know both require batteries) Are any of the options i've listed the right direction if I want to get similar vibes as the great photographers I’ve mentioned above? If not what are your recommendations? I know that the camera doesn’t make the photographer but G.A.S and I’ve saved up a bit of money and feel like living it up a little.
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