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Everything posted by ajkocu

  1. I understand what you mean about reading something somewhere about losing infinity focus! I read somewhere that the problem was adapting FD lenses to the EF lens mount. There are adapters that have an optical element that supposedly enables infinity focus. The RF mount of Canon's R series cameras uses a shorter back focus (if I'm saying that right) which leaves room for an adapter which enables infinity focus. Canon's EF to RF adapter allows full functionality of the EF lenses on RF mount according to Canon and what I've seen agrees with that. I have not seen a Canon FD to RF adapter, though. With the Metabones adapter you can still use AV auto-exposure on the camera. The camera does not know what aperture you're using but it will adjust shutter speed and ISO. Originally I was interested in using that 500mm mirror lens but I may keep a few other lenses which look okay so far. The weather has not been great for out-the-window lens testing right now but I did a few shots with the FD 50mm f/1.4 that look really good! The temperature difference between inside and outside is too great and I've gotten a lot of shimmering effect using the 500mm so I won't post those. The cropped version of this photo is almost 100%
  2. I posted a question in B&H about the Metabones adapter not letting the R7 shutter release and someone responded with the answer. I thought I had looked through the menu on the camera but I missed Custom Setting #4 to enable shutter release without a lens! All is good now. I'll be posting photos with the cheap Tokina 500mm mirror lens soon!
  3. Testing my R7 to see how well it focuses on faces. Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 @ f1.8 with a compact Vello softbox attachment. It's close but I think it focused on my eye lashes. I just got a Metabones FD to RF adapter but I cannot get the R7 to fire the shutter with an FD lens attached yet. I must be missing something in the camera's settings. I'll keep trying. Happy New Year everyone!
  4. Happy New Year to one and all likewise! Happy shooting. I heard a helicopter fly by earlier in the day so I put my R7 with 70-300 lens on the table by the window. When I heard it approaching later, I opened the window and got a few photos. I have to refine my action shots! It's not as automatic as I hoped it would be. I'll shoot wide open next time and bump up the ISO in advance.
  5. 1996 before the buildings were torn down.
  6. Yes I like apples but also mangoes! Fuji X100T
  7. I don't know what kind of bug this is; it was outside my window. 80D with 100mm IS macro lens.
  8. A few photos from earlier this year. 80D with 70-300mm lens.
  9. ajkocu

    No Bull

    Bull hasn't appeared yet!
  10. ajkocu


    On a less grand scale!
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