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Everything posted by davidrosen

  1. If philosophy is questions like “What is life?”, then I should stop writing for fear of leading the question, “What is it about Birds?” in a particular direction. But I will. I don’t own the best glass for photographing birds. Sometimes I’m in a good position to get a clear crisp shot. I often see photos by other photographer that are crisp and colorful, as if they hired bird models to pose for them. Perhaps birds were created for man to photograph. They’re abundantly available when nothing else captures my fancy.
  2. The evolution of this thread does make the use of the word “versus” inappropriate, and I agreed it would have been better to use the word “and” rather than “versus.” Perhaps the title should have been “MFT Lenses versus Full Frame Lenses.”
  3. Thanks for your suggestions. The driver for SureColor P400 does not support the Advanced B&W mode. I am checking with the Red River Paper.
  4. There does not seem to be much of a problem printing color photos with the ICC profile for the paper/ink combination in my Epson SureColor P400 printer. But printing black and white images is a problem. Do you have any general suggestions for printing B&W?
  5. That's it in a nutshell. Although mentioned is several posts in this thread, you summed it up nicely. And now I can opt out of receiving email updates. ;)
  6. I know the requested image size for posting an image to the forums is 1000 pixel width. I do not think there is a limit for photos uploaded to library. Is 1000 pixels also recommended for library photos or can they be bigger? Is there another recommended size?
  7. Good points. Now I have an excuse to tell my spouse I need a MFT camera AND FF and with appropriate lenses. And as AlanKline indicated, it depends on what are your (my) goals.
  8. If a photo is designated as private and is placed in a public gallery. Can it be viewed by the public?
  9. As is obvious from many forum discussions, marketing, manufactures and, above all, profit drives the design and production decisions. RIP Betamax.
  10. Touche! I have a Lumix DMC-ZS50 that makes one look twice when examining the resolution of photos shot at low ISO. Sensor area: 27.9 sq mm vs. 864 sq mm for FF.
  11. Who made Full Frame King or Queen? Just because full frame digital camera sensors produce the same size "negative" as a 35mm camera, 35mm cameras were NOT digital technology, but a chemical technology of silver-based emulsions that react to light. How do you equate that process to the digital process and what makes "Full Frame" sensors the standard for digital technology? I love my MFT camera because of its size and weight. I have heard more than once that MFT sensor technology has hit a wall. Well, that remains to be seen. I am willing to wait to see if Panasonic comes out with newer MFT cameras with a significantly improved sensor. If yes, then I'm in. If not, I may have to choose one of the other "Gorilla" camera manufacturers and go with their technology,
  12. I am still confused (you can see it on my face, well my grandson's face). The time stamp for my initial post indicates 7:13 pm but I posted in the morning. So, what geographic location is determining the time stamp?
  13. Me And My Shadow...And My Reflection
  14. Where is the home base for Photo.net and what timezone are you in? Certainly not Central Time zone like me.
  15. Has anyone used the new Enhance Details feature of Lightroom and achieved noticeable results?
  16. Thanks for that description. I have initiated the sensor cleaning on my Lumix GX85, but it appears to take just a moment. I am not sure it is working.
  17. There are spots on the photo below, but not on the photos before and after this shot. I keep the front and back of by lenses clean and I use a hood whenever shooting outdoors. I know I can eliminate these blemishes in post processing, but do you know what causes them?
  18. Thank you Apple for making bokeh a verb, as in, “You bokehed my child in the background!”
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