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Image Comments posted by vincentoiseau

  1. Hi Michael,


    well composed, intriguing color combination. The title seems a bit far-fetched at first, but there is some animal form in this abstract on closer inspection. I couldn't begin to describe the associations surfacing my mind now. Kind regards, Vincent

    bluebird (F)


    Hi Bill,


    wonderful capture of this bluebird with a great composition and DoF, lots of color and detail to enjoy. Too bad you didn't capture the tip of its tail, but still a great photo! Kind regards, Vincent



    Hi Pierre,


    you have great Photoshop skills! I wonder why you have chosen to give this image a blue coloring. Although I must confess the title intrigued me too, I can't help reacting to the views expressed in the comments that seem to suggest 'look how far we've come' as a species. Historically that may be correct, but the speed with which lots of people embrace going back to slavery makes clear that we didn't learn much from all that progress. Well, your photo and title did provoke a reaction, which is rare nowadays on PN. Well done! Kind regards, Vincent

  2. Hi G & V,


    this is otherworldly indeed! The lichen and mosses are as interesting as flowers in their diversity in shape. Colors look very nice; I was wondering if you considered shooting this with more DoF, at least in the foreground. Kind regards, Vincent

    art in the garden


    Hi Franz,


    it's no wonder the hortensias flourish when they are watered continuously. The artwork is funny indeed, your presentation is spot-on: limited DoF, natural colors, good detail. Kind regards, Vincent

  3. Hi G & V,


    a fiery orange Mexican sunflower (didn't know the species) against a dark green OoF background. It pops right off the screen, very impressive detail and DoF. I would suggest some cropping a/o cloning out (at least the orange part in the bottom left and the sensor spots). A tighter crop is of course a matter of taste, but it could benefit the presentation of this marvelous photo. Kind regards, Vincent

  4. Hi Paul,


    a very pleasing composition of the harbor of this Italian town. The angle makes it easy for the viewer to follow the canal and its embankment. The morning sun provides a friendly light with natural colors. The reflections are a nice bonus. Kind regards, Vincent



    Hi G & V,


    very nice capture of this hummingbird; I like the fact that some parts of the bird are in focus and detailed and other parts show movement. The light and colors are pleasing as well. Too bad about the 'thing' behind the bird, but that's where it was so you had no choice but to include it. Kind regards, Vincent

  5. Hi Franz,


    well composed photo of this interesting old locomotive. I like the movement in the leg of one of the passengers who is leaving the train, the reflections on the surface of the locomotive and the edge of the platform clock being aligned with the edge of the frame (good for my photographic ocd). Kind regards, Vincent



    Hi Michael,


    I really like this abstract and its design! The title provides only one - although it suits the image well - way to interpret what we see here. The small white could represent leaves or snow as well. I like the composition showing what I consider to be a tree and some shrubs at the side of a road. I like the 'fallen twigs' at the bottom of the tree and, last but not least, the sublimely limited color palette. You outdid yourself, into my favorites! Kind regards, Vincent

    stupid driver


    Hi Franz,


    this looks pretty stupid indeed. How can someone mistake the road for a parking spot while there were (probably) cars parked there already? Your photo shows the potential problem of this stupidity well; the space between the white Mercedes and the BMW looks narrower than it may be. Kind regards, Vincent


    Hi TmJ,


    wonderful capture of these grebes with their young! It's always an endearing sight to witness. The light is perfect and your photo summarizes an important part of the caring of these birds for their family. What are the odd shapes in the reflections? Kind regards, Vincent

    Memories of spring

    Seasons pass by quickly, which is why seasonal photos can be valuable time documents. The young of this willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) have lives of their own and don't need help from their parents anymore - if they survived the critical first stages of life. I stood still where the bird was busy collecting protein-rich food for the young to let the bird get used to my presence. It took some time, but finally it landed on a reed close to me to take a short pause. I decided not to go for a centered composition and (after some slight cropping) this is what I ended up with. I liked the blurry background and the position of the warbler. It's not the most detailed of photos, but it will have to do. Your comments are very welcome.

    chiaro scuro


    Hi G & V,


    thanks for your response! I do upload photos, but not very many (I have only ca. 400 photos in my portfolio since I joined PN in may 2018). Today I will upload another. Kind regards, Vincent

    chiaro scuro


    Hi G & V,


    that is a lot of contrast and detail! The butterfly, the flowers and the background go well together, even with this degree of color contrast. I have noticed lots of swallowtails have damaged 'tails', in my photos as well. The title is well chosen. Kind regards, Vincent

    don't bother me


    Hi G & V,


    the title goes very well with the image! The eye contact is obvious and there aren't many other things this look may mean (maybe 'should I take off?') . The combination of the three colors and the triangular composition make this photo very appealing. Kind regards, Vincent

  6. Hi Giangiorgio,


    you've captured a unique moment here! While the other flamingos go about their business, two are showing aggressive behavior towards one bird that is obviously not welcome in 'their' fishing grounds. The stretched necks and the moving feathers on their back add dynamics to the scene, necessary to make the viewer understand what's happening. Beautiful colors and excellent DoF. Kind regards, Vincent



    Hi Michael,


    this scene looks like it was created in a church/house of prayer; the three plush chairs and the covered lectern give that impression at least when seeing the thumbnail. When I viewed the image, the different parts of this space melted together in an abstract of lush colors and almost shapeless forms, reminiscent of the ones used by Gustav Klimt in some of his well known work with golden colors. Kind regards, Vincent

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