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Moving On

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Posts posted by Moving On

  1. Estimates and self reporting which according to the study is the backbone of the assertion, are not reliable from a source with such a record.


    The people who continued working while masks were both in short supply and not recommended saved the economy.

    My line of work over 40 years included considerable experience with various mask designs in many different applications and hazardous environments as regular PPE and it is clear the current “mandates” are considerably more political than practical.


    When the policy is driven by facts rather than politics......

    That’ll be the day.

  2. The radicals at Goldman Sachs (as reported in Forbes) state that a national mask mandate could save the US economy $1 Trillion.


    "Goldman’s analysts found that wearing face coverings has a significant impact on coronavirus outcomes, and they suggest that a federal mask mandate would “meaningfully” increase mask usage across the country ..."


    A National Mask Mandate Could Save The U.S. Economy $1 Trillion, Goldman Sachs Says



    Goldman Sachs?


    2008 Bailout and 2016 Admission of Fraud

    Google is your Friend......

  3. Except ... he did.

    Uh, no.

    You do not have to wear a mask while you are eating or even seated in the restaurant.

    The mayor made that statement on the news.



    Perhaps for society’s protection we should require a forehead tattoo for people who are infected.

    A very colorful artsy COVID structure.

    That would present some photographic opportunities, you know, and it gets it above the mask.

  4. 1375582253_Untitled74.thumb.jpg.a2f76f462695bec648755da4d3f889c3.jpg The ordinance does not require a mask when ordering.

    The whole mask thing is, in the context of use by the uninformed, ill equipped, ill practiced public, primarily a sneeze/cough filter at best.


    I simply do not eat out anymore.

    Problem solved.

    But I am not stuck inside and am still using my cameras.

    • Like 1
  5. Today Health Dept in Memphis said spikes as reported here were due to lab backlogs and a big jump in testing over two days.

    Lady said the rates are remaking stable.

    It has also been noted that recent positive results are increasingly among less vulnerable populations.


    I expect the thing to watch is hospitalization rates.....

  6. Testing fluctuations result in case fluctuations, but COVID isn’t the primary concern on Beale late at night.

    And as for crowds, Memphis protests certainly do not seem to be of any local health concern.


    In the photo above, I was warned away by the cop at 8 am well before COVID-19 was even known.

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