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Posts posted by erichsande

  1. My first SLR was a Nikon N4004s. It didn't win my award for "worst" because of functionality, but usability. When shooting in Program, Shutter or Aperture modes there was no exposure information. The only way to know the exposure info was to use Manual mode, in which case you'd use "+ o -".


    Eric Sande

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  2. F3 stuff is kind of hot right now - I started a thread in the Nikon forum about it. Maybe not the accessories, though. I've had an F3 with standard viewfinder for a few years and last year acquired an F3HP that belonged to a deceased family member. I put the standard F3 on eBay and it sold for $177.50. Meanwhile, the venerable FM/FE cameras are still dirt cheap.
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  3. I bought a non-VC Tamron 17-50 on local Craigslist almost 1 year ago. A D7000 with the lens had been listed forever so I asked if the seller would take $140 for just the lens (the average selling price on eBay at the time).


    I couldn't be happier with the lens - sharp and I swear the colors are more vibrant without any in-camera adjustment.


    Eric Sande

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  4. If you cruise Youtube a bit you’ll notice the older 35 mm SLR and rangefinders have a youth cult following. Lots of techno jazz music and how to videos for loading a film camera.



    Awhile back there was a very long thread about film or something and someone (maybe you) posted a YouTube link to that young couple with the Wild We Roam channel. I've ended up following that ever since.

  5. So many great film cameras cannot be given away these days. You can easily get a Nikon N90/s or N8008/s for US$10 or $20 on eBay.


    Today I checked sold listings on eBay and F3 bodies are selling from US$200 to as much as $400.


    Where did THAT come from?!


    This link may not work forever but here's a sold link I looked at just before posting this.


    Eric Sande


    Nikon F3 body | eBay

  6. I watched "Kodachrome" last night. Predictable storyline, a bit slow but I liked some parts. Since they were using a real scenario, I quickly looked up to see if that was really "Dwayne" toward the end.


    I think "Camera Store" is still on Netflix. I liked that film overall; kind of fun to remember what mall stores like Ritz and Wolf Camera were like.


    Eric Sande

  7. When I had an F4s I never used the DX setting because there was no way to confirm the ISO unless you had a flash with LCD readout attached. I've never heard of any camera mis-reading the code and using the wrong ISO, but I just preferred to not leave it to chance.


    Eric Sande

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