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hoard photo images

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Image Comments posted by hoard photo images



    Please kindly rate and comment on this photo. Would you invert the

    image? Was my camera turned upside down? Did the printer accidently

    turn the photo the wrong way not knowing it was a reflection on water

    when they put it in the envelope? Thanks in advance on this photo and

    thanks for all the comments and ratings on my other photos as well.

    Unfortuntely, i originally had over 34 photos you rated as top rated

    photos and a few weeks ago i had informed photo.net something had

    occured when a few photos where chosen as top rated. My overall score

    was not correct. As i deleted these photos i noticed the score

    started to reverse. As the overall score started to climb up the list

    i did take notice of many top rated photographer's on the top rated

    list as incorrectly. I personally feel if you think my resubmitted

    photos deserve a second rating or comment i am sincerly thankful.-

    Michael Joseph Hoard

  1. Hello Chris, I just had to comment on this particular photo. I have viewed your folder several times and enjoy the floral photos must say your bridge is your Gem. It seems the overall opinion for this photo is the edge of roof presents an optical illusion. There is a similarity as in concept your stray cat and in my folder My Images (Facing A Cathedral Catus) its a reality the contrasting colors cause this type of optical illusion. I do think though if you where closer to the cat it certainly would have changed the depth of field and a completly different photo thus created. Oh, by the way i did rescan the photo My Images (Facing a Cathedral Catus) it certainly looks alot better now. Excellent!!!!-Michael Joseph Hoard
  2. This is a fine example of a well balanced floral photo. The composistion is excellent you included a cluster of 3 full blossoms. Visually anything which include 3 subjects has a better opportunity to keep maintain the viewers full attention. The overall depth of field is perfect and the background color is very complimentary. I have taken thousands of floral pictures over the years and would appreciate it if you would view a few selected in my floral folders. I have always considered this particular flower the most difficult because of there delicate and very thin petals. Another example of a flower similar to this and extremely difficult to take a photo of is the Lady Slipper and the different varities of May Pops. Personally i do not feel a B/W photo of this type would be as striking. Excellent photo David.-Michael Joseph Hoard
  3. Wow!!! Nice going Missy. I do have a few questions. What type of lighting did you use? Did you have a full length mirror to aid your pose? Was anyone else present helping directing you? Did you use a shutter cable or timer? What is extremely nice about the photo is lack of harsh shaddows on the face. It has an extremely graphic art quality to it. The only nitch is there seems to be a white spot is that a button. With a image like this or similar use a piece of black tape over the button. Personally, i would have maybe somehow included a little bit more light on the opposite hand in the shaddow. Maybe try one with white gloves and see what happens. The tilt of the head is at a very unique angle. Very beautifully done Missy-Michael Joseph Hoard
  4. Does Anyone Read A Photographer's Bio Befor Making A Comment or

    Rating A Picture? Kindly Comment About This Photo? Do You Like This

    Particular Angle? Does The Reflecting Sun On The Building Bother

    You? Also, My Scanner Is Down Right Now I am Aware Of The Pixels

    Visible. A Pixel Is Not A Negative. Lets Have Some Real Comments On

    This Angle? Thanks For Commenting or Rating In Advance?-Michael

    Joseph Hoard

    Ocean on Wheels


    Please kindly critique and rate Ocean on Wheels. Do you personally

    like the cropping in this photo? Does it grab your attention? Thank

    you kindly, Michael Joseph Hoard

  5. Dan, Its Michael again? Opps, i forgot to rate your picture. With all the excitement of viewing it now for the 100th time and writing my first comment you get a perfect score. Bravo!!!!!!!Michael Joseph Hoard
  6. Thanks Mike for viewing and commenting on Testing the Water. Yes, i certainlly agree with your statement about water being so photogenic. It has been the subject of both world renoun photographers as well as artist around the world. By no means is it a easy subject matter to photograph because of the constant physical changes due to weather, controlled conditions and most importanly lighting.-Michael Joseph Hoard
  7. Thanks Rainer for the comment and generous rating for this photo. I have always included it in my professional portfolio. There are future plans for this particular photo for a international advertising campaign.-Michael Joseph Hoard
  8. This is by far the most interesting and visual stimulating of my photo's and by no means a concept its a reality. The image on the left is a profile of a Cathedral Catus Plant. To my amazement when the photo was returned from the developer well its obvious there is an illusion of a face looking at the profile of the Cathedral Catus Plant. (In the white area of the photo which is an overcast sky your brain registers a forehead, eye, nose, mouth, chin resembling an oriental woman) This type of optical illusion occurs when you see a black and white print of a goblet. You image two profiles of faces. The photo is quite focus and invloves no specical effects. The frist scan did not scan too well and the night it was selected for a rating by the elfs at photo.net i think the compression was extremely bad veiwing as a small image. A white area will show pixels more than a dark colored area of a scaned photo. Thank you for rating Facing A Cathedral Catus as a top rated photo and continue to view, comment and or rate-Michael Joseph Hoard
  9. Please critique and or rate this particular photo. It was submitted

    prior to my subscribing to e.mail allert. It does have two ratings

    and viewing the photo i would like to receive some more comments.

    Does the reflection distract you? Would you have f/stoped down under

    these conditions. Thank all of you in advance for viewing, commenting

    and or rating.-Michael Joseph Hoard

  10. This particular photograph has always been one of my favorites. Everything about it falls into proper perspective. It presents itself as surreal. The morning sun was shinning through the bamboo blinds and what caught my attention at first was the reflection on the surface and the shaddow at the bottom of the tub. I asked the subject to stand in front of the claw foot tub and he reached over to the opposite side and tested the water. In most cases i do take more than one shot to get the feel of the composistion but this was just one click of the shutter. Thank you for selecting as a top rated photo and for viewing, commenting and or rating Testing the Water.-Michael Joseph Hoard


  11. Please rate and comment on the particular picture. No special affects

    where involved. The camera was hand held and used zoom lens. Should

    the angle maybe been differently.Thanks in advance-Michael Joseph


    Coil N Curves

    I took your advice Richard and removed that area to the left and you where correct it does the trick. The overall view is much better now.-Thanks for viewing, commenting and or rating Coil N Curves. Michael Joseph Hoard



    I particually thought this close-up is different than some others i have viewed. It may be the illusion of that slight lighter shade off center. I find this makes your eye travel to all four corners of the crop. The angles, the curves alot of eye stimulation going on here. Very nice and you where right about the pixels? What pixels i saw none. I would think the color and f/16 stop may be the answer of no real visible pixels. Now would the effect be the same if a bellows was not used here? Excellent-Michael Joseph Hoard


  12. My congrats for making the top of the list!!!! What can i say but E.T. phone home. In retro-spect i remember all the excitement when Hale Bopp was first visisble to the naked eye. I would climb out on a three story roof to view it then go down and point it out to the neighbors below. You have captured the excitement 100 times over again for mankind to view once again, around the world through this technology. What an absolutley, stunning photo. A piece of Americana, reminds me of a Norman Rockwell painting but with his subjects mankind, outside the canvas, looking to the heavens above. Bravo!!!-Michael Joseph Hoard
  13. I agree with some of the my collegues. The vantage point is off. Also, not bad for a hand held picture, i do see a slight motion in the lights in the background. Also, you might use a tripod for shooting fireworks. Nice photo,-Michael Joseph Hoard
  14. It is a proven fact and you have taken the best shot. Early morning natural or evening lighting is the best and this photo should be hung in a museum of fine art. Everything about this photo is what it should be just like life natural. Just look at the detail of the tree trunks and the small leaves in the back ground. Brilliant photo-Michael Joseph Hoard
  15. This particular photo is a different angle and time exposure. I do

    like the features much better than the one submitted just last night.

    I would appreciate your comments on this closer photo than the other

    one. Also, do these affects as the flair and the image of the flag

    pole distract you at all? Also, does the color of the fountain bother

    you. This is my very first attempt with time exposure on my Olympus.

    Thank you for your comments and or rating Gold Water II-Michael

    Joesph Hoard

    Another Day Passes


    This particular photo was taken about an hour or two before sunset. I

    did turn the f/stop down but not by much maybe 2 stops. The camera

    was set on auto. I am curious to know are there other methods to

    acheive this affect. All comments and or ratings are welcomed.-Thanks

    Michael Joseph Hoard

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