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Everything posted by yves_petit

  1. yves_petit

    This is a very nice, very neat village Volkmar, but why not name it? I always find it unfortunate that photgraphers not give a name to their photos. In this case, it would be interesting to see on Google maps or elsewhere where this village is situated.
  2. Thank you Philip! After all the cortorsions you impose on us, this soothing bath will do me good.
  3. yves_petit

    Bonjour John, ce livre était merveilleux! Que puis-je faire pour vous maintenant?
  4. yves_petit

    Au contraire Jean-Claude, je crois que cet environnement dépeint exactement l'histoire de cette photo. La jeune femme descend de sa chambre se chercher un beau livre pour meubler sa matinée. Elle réalise soudainement qu'elle est toute nue et qu'un inopportun photographe l'attend tapi derrière un meuble afin de croquer sa proie au naturel.
  5. yves_petit


    Daniel, are these women the same as those on your beach vollyeyball photos, but in their civilian clothes?
  6. yves_petit

    Winter - 18

    Superbe! Mon pays, c'est l'hiver ne peut être illustré de meilleure façon.
  7. Vive les États-Unis d'Amérique, longue vie à son président et bonheur au peuple!
  8. yves_petit

    For those who may wonder, the fruit is from the amelanchier tree (Latin - amelanchier alnifolia, French - amélanchier) also know as Saskatoon berry, service berry. It is very sweet and was a prime food of the american indians who used it in their preparation of pemmican.
  9. yves_petit

    Long-nosed hazelnut, noisette à long bec, corylus cornata for those who care to know.
  10. yves_petit

    Kate sht 2

    Well Bjorn, Bandana man rather chose a flattening way!
  11. Superbe! Point de vue, ambiance, modèle, tout est parfait.
  12. Trump and his entourage were too stupid to have staged a coup which had any chance of success. Who now could side with someone so incompetent? Vive la république américaine!
  13. Yeah, second term in prison, that's what this idiot deserves.
  14. yves_petit

    Simple, serene and elegant! Bravo Kevin
  15. yves_petit

    Île d’Orléans

    Je voudrais y être Robert en lieu et place de ma morne banlieue montréalaise.
  16. Doug, all your photos exude authenticity, this one as well as well as those of battered down farm buildings. In what area of the US were these photos taken? Félicitations!
  17. Bravo Al pour cette composition imaginative, sobre et belle.
  18. I like to think of personalized graveyard monuments as being a last message to the living. In this case, the deceased probably had an affection for Our Lady and for the holiness of children. The buttresses on either side might represent this person's defences to protect his or her family??
  19. yves_petit


    Nice photo Franz. May I make a suggestion? Since I am a tree lover, I know this is a oak tree leaf, maybe white oak or bur oak, but it would be nice for those not so familiar with trees to at least know it's an oak tree leaf.
  20. yves_petit


    Cameron, I'm sure Monet would appreciate this photo. Bravo!
  21. Philip, il manque un "s" à printemps. Cependant, tout est parfait dans cette composition.
  22. yves_petit

    Upstate NY

    Taughannock falls, near lake Cayuga and city of Ithaca
  23. This trail has been much used, however will you have the courage to walk past its curves, crests and troughs? ...beautiful inspiring photo!
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