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Image Comments posted by chjohnson

  1. I think this is probably my favorite photo in this folder. Nice balance in composition, good light and color. I am curious about the wall built up around the cypress... I imagine it is there to protect the tree from the surf...?
  2. I really enjoy this grass arc series of yours, but I think this is my favorite image. It has a very solid Zen feel to it, particularly because of the inclusion of the rocks in the lower left. They help to provide a nice counter-balance to the grass.


    Your flower photography is, in my opinion, the best in this community. You wonderfully capture shapes, moods, colors and present them in an original and appealing manner. I can't decide whether it makes me want to be a better flower photographer or makes me want to give up and let you produce the great work!
  3. Thank you Kenneth. This is one of my favorite Alaska images for many of the reasons you mentioned. I particularly enjoy the long shadows and the rim lighting on the ice-covered rocks. Unfortunately, for whatever reason, it is not the type of image that people go crazy over.
  4. Just took my first look at this image today. It is quite obvious from the crispness of the leaves and the thorax that the wings are fluttering, so I really do not understand why people were rating it low or needed an explanation to give it a better rating. I really like that you chose to give the wings movement, and gave higher marks for originality accordingly. Your butterfly images are among the best I have ever seen. Very nice work.
  5. Very nice image. The only reason I did not rate it higher is the cropping. The grapes on the top and upper left corner are cut off, and that is a little distracting. Either a tighter crop, or a slight shift up to include more of those other grapes. Really nice tone, color and mood.
  6. This one really caught my eye among the random recent postings. My first thought was to wonder what a polarizing filter would have done in reducing the glare, then I decided that the "glare" is really an integral part of the image. Nicely elegant.
  7. I like your decision to use the stem to lead my eye from the lower corner, but not sure I like the decision to center the flower. You could have accomplished the first point without risking centering the flower by panning down a little and following more of the stem. Your choice on DOF does two things: it emphasizes the flower, but also makes the rest of the picture out of focus. I think I would have enjoyed seeing more of those details in the background, particularly the stem. Use a tripod with either f16 or f22. If you want to make the flower pop more, use some shading to make the area directly behind it dark -- then it will pop. Final thoughts... I do not know if it is the scan or the original exposure, but the flower seems a little blown out; I am unable to discern all the detail. Great of you to recognize that we do not have to go far from home to work on our photography! If you are going to do more flower work, I recommend going macro with some extension tubes, bellows or a reversing ring.
  8. I don't know if I have given out any 10-10 ratings before, but this photo warrants the designation for so many reasons. The DOF is fantastic, it is crisp, the lighting had to be excruciatingly difficult (to expose the trees and get the spotlights without them being washed out), and the colors are simply amazing. Truly one of the finest forest images I have ever seen.
  9. What a phenominally great accident of light and shadow. So much of photography is based on being at the right place and the right time; this really illustrates it. I give this photo high marks because it made me laugh, and I have never seen anything like it. Great photo. The only thing that could improve the image is the exposure on the white part of the fur - it is a little blown out.

    Todd Harbour

    This has everything you want in a gread sunset shot: vibrant colors, interesting cloud textures, nice variation in silhouetted figures. Wonderful image.
  10. You know, I have come to notice that folks on Photo.net do not have much appreciation for great mountain compositions, as the unjustifiably low ratings on this photo illustrate. This mountain image is full of great lines, shapes and textures. Really nice.

    Sunset star

    I don't know... It certainly is not static, but it could be more dynamic. You have all of those curving lines in the image that could have been accented more with a wider lens and closer perspective. Wonderfully rich colors and tones, and nice DOF, though.
  11. Looks like home to me (Alaska). I see this photo and can imagine myself standing along the water's edge in the same way ... The only thing I can think of that would improve the image is the positioning of the individual within the picture. His head almost gets lost in the darker background.
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