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Image Comments posted by chjohnson

    Silk Wings

    Great colors and composition, and nicely crisp. I would have cropped just a tad bit tighter to lose the lavendar edge on the left and to close that space in the upper right corner. Nice patterns, too.
  1. You are definitely very close to a great image here. I am not sure what is missing, but it seems something is. I like the composition, exposure and colors. Perhaps maybe (I know we have no control over these things) some clouds in the sky and a slightly wider crop would have made it perfect. Good job of capturing Moran without following the standard mold.
  2. Everything that has already been said, and more. Fantastic job of capturing the form of the dancer at the right moment under rather challenging circumstances. I think the image really conveys a great deal about the skill and artistry of dancing, and is very moving in its own right.
  3. I am going to have to go back to the location to check, but I think that the sloping of the horizon is a product of that part of land coming out into the inlet along the shoreline. The inlet narrows a little at this point. Every indication at the time told me that the camera was level. I will let everyone know what I figure out.
  4. There is something really interesting about this image. The subject seems to be one that could be rendered well either in a high contrast or medium contrast. I think that the harsh light really beefs up the contrast, and it works rather well. Illustrates one of the advantages of B&W over color; this image would not work well at all if it were color. Nicely done on the composition, exposure and textures.
  5. This is really a neat image. I think the exposure is just fantastic. Do you by any chance have a vertical version of this? I know that I will sometimes shoot a scene as both a vertical and horizontal so I can allow myself to decide later which one looks best. Just curious.
  6. I don't know what it is, but people in this community automatically give a lower creativity rating to waterfall shots. I think that whether something is creatively done is relative to the subject matter. This is a very creatively executed waterfall image beause it minimizes the waterfall as compared to its surroundings. Most waterfall shots do the opposite. Great job.

    On a winters day

    Fantastic shot, Dennis! I know that some people don't like images with a lot of black space in them, but I think they can be exceptional with interesting lines and great colors. This image has both.
  7. I was finishing up a day of shooting in so-so light when the colors

    started to pop. I found this composition with the spruce trees

    framing the reflection of the peak in the water and really liked the

    relationships between the shapes. (I have a tighter-cropped version

    of this in the same folder.) Please rate and comment, particularly

    letting me know if this is interesting enough to avoid the usual

    problems with mountains and reflections. Thanks.

  8. Another nice photo. Instead of the beach shot, where we see the person waling, here we are invited to be the subject walking along the road through the woods. My only comments technically is that it is a little dark and the colors are a little flat, but the colors and there, they are just subtle. Tough shot in the lighting conditions you were handed. Sometimes you have to take the shot, you can't wait for the best light.
  9. This is really a great shot. Not only do the footprints lead us to the person, but the diagonal of the ridge dropping from the upper right corner leads us to the person as well. Great lines, nice feel, good job on exposure. This is a very satisfying "moment" shot.

    Emerald and Flow

    I know that it would be vivid from the Velvia, but is there any post-exposure color saturation (i.e., Photoshop) at work here? And where was this taken? Looks very Pacific Northwest, particularly Olympic region (Hoh, Quinault or even Mt. Si).

    Navy Unit

    Good posing of the group, and shooting at an angle to get everyone in, but the lighting and background are not doing you any favors. A filter or film balanced for flourescent light (I am asuming that is the lighting source) would have improved your color. Plus, the PO2 in the front row left has his knot riding too high on his tie, and the PO1 two spots to his left is wearing his hat too far back on his forehead. But that is just the former sailor in me being picky.
  10. This image has great potential... Great vantage point and angle for composition, sun peeking over the horizon to add color to the gray, movement in the foreground. But, it is a bit dark, and I am not sure there is much you can do about it at this point.

    Zion River 2

    Another great composition with running water. The color saturation really stands out with your film choice and the overcast light. We seem to have been on a similar trip ... I just did a run last October through Zion, Bryce, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Page. Keep up the great work. I agree it would be nice to see larger images. Hopefully we will see more soon...

    Fantasy Canyon 1

    Fantasitc composition with the large object close and the collection of subjects in the distant background. You captured this at the perfect time of evening. The only thing I would add to your light painting technique is you might consider adding a warming gel to the end of the light. It helps to soften the light a little, but, more importantly, it adds a wonderful contrast to the cooler light in the background.
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