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James Bryant

PhotoNet Pro
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Everything posted by James Bryant

  1. <p>Doug<br> I also thank you for your comments. They are a great help.<br> James</p>
  2. <p>I use a blank frame or as describe using the area around the image and adjust until I get pure black through film base plus fog. If the film is over or under expose I may make an extra one adjusted until it looks good for viewing. If you don't get film base plus fog to print pure black you don't know what you have.</p>
  3. <p>Nikon FM2n, Zeiss 2/50, B+W 022 Filter, Ilford FP4+.</p><div></div>
  4. <p>Nikon FT2, 50mm Nikkor, Yellow Filter, 400TX.</p><div></div>
  5. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss ZF 2/50, B & W 022, Fomapan Classic 100.</p><div></div>
  6. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss 2/50, yellow filter, Ilford FP4+.</p><div></div>
  7. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss 2/50, yellow filter, Ilford FP4+.</p><div></div>
  8. <p>Nikon FM2n, 50mm f1.8 Nikkor, medium yellow filter, Kodak 400TX. Taken on a train ride form Bryson City, North Carolina to Dillsboro, North Carolina.</p><div></div>
  9. <p>I have recently tried Kodak 400TX, the new designation for Tri-X. I have read that the film was reengineered in 2007. As for my own experience it seems to be an improvement from what I remember 20 years ago. If you haven't used it recently it is certainly worth trying. </p>
  10. <p>Mike, I get out about twice a week because I still have a post office box. Your pictures of the local area have motivated me to get out and do more local photography. Keep up the good work.</p>
  11. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss Otus 85 f1.4, B+W 022, Ilford FP4+.</p><div></div>
  12. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss 2/25, B+W 022, Fomapan Classic 100.</p><div></div>
  13. <p>Nikon F6, Zeiss 2/25, B+W 022 filter, Ilford FP4+.</p><div></div>
  14. <p>Nikon FM2n, 50 f1.8 Nikkor, B+W 022 filter, 400TX.</p><div></div>
  15. <p>Nikon FM2n, 50mm f1.8 Nikkor, Medium Yellow Filter, Kodak 400 TX.</p><div></div>
  16. <p>Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 50mm f1.8, Medium Yellow Filter, Kodak 400 TX.</p><div></div>
  17. <p>Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 50mm f1.8, Medium Yellow Filter.</p><div></div>
  18. <p>If it is 120 use fp4+. It is a little expensive but check Ilford Lab U.S. if you are in the U.S. Their website will give you the information. I am using them until I can get a dark room up and running.</p>
  19. <p>Nikon FM2n, Nikkor 35mm F1.4 AIS Lens, 1/30 at F1.4, Velvia 100.</p><div></div>
  20. <p>FM2n, Zeiss 2/50, Light Red Filter B+W 090, Ilford Pan F+.</p><div></div>
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