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  1. Hmmm - Underfixing could definitely be the problem. Very curious to test that out. Thank you!!
  2. <p><img src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5742a0c686db4391ba753e1e/5742aa78c6fc088e2ca7d641/5747b793d51cd4458a7a1d04/1464317879988/20160526-img726.jpg?format=1500w" alt="" /><br> Washington, DC 2016<br> Hasselblad 501 - 80mm f/2.8<br> Ilford FP4 - Diafine</p>
  3. <p><img src="https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5742a0c686db4391ba753e1e/5742aa78c6fc088e2ca7d641/5743212160b5e922a259e2af/1464017227970/20160522-img657+%281%29.jpeg?format=1500w" alt="" /><br> The Pantheon - Paris, FR 2016<br> Hasselblad 501 - 80mm f/2.8<br> Ilford HP5 in Diafine</p>
  4. <p>Hi Randy, I don't think its the scanner, other rolls have come out just fine. Its weird because nothing really changed in my process, processing or digital, only the quality of the negative...</p>
  5. Hi James, I did check it with a loupe, that is part of reason why I think may be noise. I really need a higher magnification to be sure that the grain is in fact not there
  6. <p>This problem seems to be confined to Tri X. I had a roll of HP5 in the same batch and it looks great.<br> I think its actually not grain, but noise from the scanner auto-exposing and pushing the image a stop or two...<br> Is there a reason that I would be getting less speed from my Tri X all of a sudden, the film isn't excessively old or anything. Maybe 6 months max, NOT refrigerated, thats really the only thing I can come up with.</p>
  7. <p>Thanks Zelph,<br> Its not necessarily a push with diafine, thats just the best speed to shoot trix with it. <br> Normally I get results like the photos attached.<br> I also don't normally say grain on the frame...<br> Totally stumped</p><div></div>
  8. <p>Hi, So I just developed a bunch of rolls in Diafine and the negatives have come out very grainy and look underexposed. Even the black bars between frames have grain. I have been developing in Diafine with this exact process for a while and never seen this before and not sure whats going wrong. <br> Details:<br> Trix 400 35mm exposed at iso1250<br> 4mins in A&B at 70 degrees.<br> 2 initial inversions followed by 2 inversions every minute.<br> rinse twice<br> NH5 for 2 minutes<br> Rinse for 10 minutes<br> Scanned on V800<br> Shot on several different cameras.</p> <p>The only thing I can think is that it is from the X-ray when I went through airport security, but other rolls look fine...<br> Thanks in advance!<br> Examples below:<br> <img src="http://s33.postimg.org/4tdfevdpb/img2419.jpg" alt="" width="1279" height="898" /></p><div></div>
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