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  1. <p>So where do I find either of those? Vanbar does not sell them from just searching their site. I can't find Rollei C-41. Their Tetenal C-41 kit has only just gotten back in stock in the last 22 hours, but only comes in 2.5L @ $100!<br /> I am getting pretty fed up and it's starting to look like it's not possible to do colour developing and printing independently in Australia. There is no where to buy the chemicals within an affordable price.<br> Does anyone even do colour developing and printing in Australia on their own...? Would love to have someone chime in with their experience in being able to find and afford these supplies.</p>
  2. <p>Hey all,</p> <p>Where can I find affordable C-41 developing kits in Australia? I am looking for the Tetenal C-41 in particular which comes highly recommended from forum posts I have seen across the internet. However, the only available source I have found so far within Australia is on Ebay, selling for $79.90! This is outrageous when I see people in the USA or Europe commenting on the great affordability of their $20 Tetenal kits. I won't save any money undergoing such a purchase and would be better off sending my 6 films into Fotofast to develop and print.<br> I found someone within this forum saying he could find the Tetenal for $40 within Australia. Where though? I live in Brisbane QLD.<br> Any help or comments will be greatly appreciated. I am very lost here.</p>
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