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Image Comments posted by nicholasprice


    Shame about the tourists. I stood at the same position in the temple of Karnak waiting for an un-fettered moment, but eventually had to give up. You made a good try though, the odds are terrible.
  1. I think that this is a very brave and daring composition. What I think lets it down is the fact that it is the product of self-portraiture, and as such Amy has had limited control over its execution. It may be said that the fireplace detracts from the nude, but I disagree - It is clear that the nude emulates its enviroment as an abstract form, and reproduces the line and form of the fireplace that it obscures. This is where I feel a dialogue between model and photographer would be of benefit, as for my eye I would like to see the nude more squarely lined with the fireplace, and I would preferre a slightly longer exposure to give more detail to the nude. An extremely dramatic and powerful photograph none the less. Congratulations.
  2. C.T. Jones ought to realise that a cliche exists only because it is good and has merrit, and is therefore worth repeating! I for one do not feel this is a cliche, even though the model's hair, and general composition makes me think of the more artistic, and teasing moments of Playboy magazine in the 1970's. Very teasing.
  3. Excellent composition, and interesting conterpoint with the bars motif. I think it is a great picture for picture's sake - I think it is a little pretentious of Faruk Kujundzic (quod vide) to describe it as a "fabulous picture about femininity". Is it not a photograph of a nude with bars?
  4. Oh dear, what alot of debate about pornography. Why bother. It is clear that defining art as pornography is a subjective act, and an arbitrary one at that. Lets face it some people find pictures of shoes arousing, and good luck to them. As for this image - I personally don't like it, and I certainly don't think it atall challanging, but again this is an entirly subjective opinion, and clearly others find it aesthetic. Well done for stretching the small minds of the dreary conformists.
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