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Image Comments posted by nicholasprice

  1. I love the camera angle of this interresting shot.


    I would have cropped the image more to consentrate the viewer on the subject. - Try a square image cropping the photograph from the left, and the right. This will also erradicate the distracting white marks in the top left of the picture.


    It is always best to frame a shot through the viewfinder, but with "grap shots" like this framing can always be done after prossessing the negative, or even printing the film.


    Well done!



    The style of this portrait is a little dated, but who cares?


    One small quibble is the lack of visible sclera on the internal aspect of the left orbit (lack of white showing either side of the iris on the left eye).

    Gulls on the wing


    I think this is a wonderful photograph, you have certainly captured the "descisive moment".


    Photographs like this are in some way a product of chance, i.e. you cannot tell the gulls what to do. I would however crop the image slightly from the left as there is much space there devoid of birds, whereas the birds are nicely spaced throughout the rest of the photograph - a minor quibble.


    Well done.

    Warp Zone

    I love this! I love the way nothing is really quite in focus in what I feel strongly could be a representation of a paranoid schizophreniform, almost Munchian disparity in a post-Kafka reality!



    Well done for trying something a tad risqué (night photography); your colours are very warm and welcoming. Compositionally, I would personally have cut out the tree on the right.


    An interesting representation of a familiar subject

  2. Interesting composition. The strong diagonal reminds me of the work of my friend Steven Linford (please see).


    I think that the composition would be stronger if you had included the whole of the stone urn on the left, perhaps making it more prominent in the frame.


    A strong composition nonetheless, well done.

    Flea Market

    I agree with Elangovan, however I feel the predominance of bright yellow to the right of the photograph contrasting with the comparably dark coloured silks on the left of the photograph makes for quite an uneven image.
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