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Tony Parsons

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Everything posted by Tony Parsons

  1. <p>Gordon,<br> Where do you get 'glow in the dark' tissue ? That could be SO useful to me !<br> Tony</p>
  2. Funny what you find when messing around in software<div></div>
  3. <p>Provided I can afford it, I'll be happy to use Ektachrome again. Shooting slide film hones your photographic technique, and for me ensures that the ensuing images are the best I can possibly manage, without thinking 'Oh, I'll sort it out later'. Some of my (varied) employment was in Local Government, and our department's slogan (not a Mission Statement, we didn't have anything as crass) was : 'Get it right, first time, every time'.</p> <p>As you may be able to tell, this was a long time ago.</p> <p>Tony</p>
  4. <p>Not quite sure how the OP gets to ten, eleven or twelve anyway - when I was at school 36 was 4 x 9. Even allowing for leader and trailer (which surely could be filed together) that's still only 10.</p> <p>Tony</p>
  5. Normal for Norfolk<div></div>
  6. <p>One aspect not so far mentioned is the angle of the main light. When lit harshly from below (experiment to find the best angle), the human face becomes a lot more sinister, simply because we are used to seeing it lit from above by the sky or sun. Watch carefully some of the classic horror films from before the 'slash and gore' genre, and study the lighting there.<br> Also, as has been suggested, the background and props can be very important - approaching menace from behind a composed subject, seen only by the viewer, can have a profound effect.</p> <p>Tony</p>
  7. <p>Glenn,<br> I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say that I am glad we were able to help you to solve your problem - I had not realised that yours was not an interchangeable lens camera. Apologies. We look forward to your continuing presence here, and hope you'll be able to post further examples of your work in one of the many image-oriented forums (fora?) on this site.<br> Love the elephants.<br> Tony<br> BTW, if you can resize your images so that the longest side is 1000 pixels or less, you can post them directly without needing a link.</p>
  8. Tony Parsons


    Well, it would have been . . .<div></div>
  9. <p>@JDM you mentioned 'a bag of dark'. I had one of these a long time ago, but one of my kids opened it and all the dark escaped. Can you tell me where I can get some more to replace it, please ?<br> <br> Tony</p>
  10. <p>Pitcher plant seen at Flower Show so technically captive !</p><div></div>
  11. <p>Glenn,<br> Your second picture was posted in portrait format, therefore the 'mark' has moved through ninety degrees. As has been suggested, it is nothing to do with the lens (and many hobbyist photographers have more than one lens) - it is a hair or other foreign matter on the sensor of the camera. To have it removed, take the camera to your nearest reliable professional repair facility and let them clean it for you - then everything will be fine.<br> BTW, as this exchange represents a divergence from the subject matter of the original post, it may have been better to start a new thread for it. Maybe the moderators could do that for you.</p> <p>Tony</p>
  12. <p>I don't know - the bird has done it all before, the fish is trying something new, and it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.</p> <p>Tony</p>
  13. <p>Looks to me like a hair on the sensor - does it occur on all lenses ?</p> <p>Tony</p>
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