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Tony Parsons

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Status Updates posted by Tony Parsons

  1. I'm happy to try to help with the anti-SPAM patrol - been doing it anyway ! Count me in.

  2. Hi, Gerald,

    I had already reported a SPAM posting by this 'member', who has since left, possibly banned, which is why I put this comment (ILLEGALLY !) in the No Words forum. Apologies for bringing down the wrath of the gods on your head. 

    1. Gerald Cafferty

      Gerald Cafferty

      OK Tony no problem, It's the problem communicating nonverbally. 

  3. Hi, David,


    I have just received a 'warning' (and the post in question has been removed) concerning my humorous addendum to your post featuring the Owl in the No Words Thread 'Thicket' - presumably because I broke the 'No Words' Rule. I recall you kindly 'liked' this comment, so I am unsure why the ban was felt necessary - surely just a reprimand would have sufficed ? Whatever, if this has occurrence has caused you any embarrassment, I do apologise, and trust you will not be called upon to give evidence.



  4. Well done ! Sherlock Holmes would be proud of you.

  5. Hi, Sam,


    Just wanted to say love the Avatar.

    1. samstevens


      lol, thanks Tony.

  6. First of all, thanks for all the work done on the New Photo.Net - as must be clear, many people will have teething troubles, but I am sure they will all be sorted eventually. I have two quick queries - last Thursday, as is my wont, I started a new Pentax Thursday thread - which I cannot now find. Did I post it in the wrong place (not unknown 😀!), or do I need to re-post it ? Secondly, concerning 'Likes' - on the old version of PN, the total number of likes received was prominently displayed. Currently, I cannot find this attribute - please can someone point me in the right direction ? Many thanks.



  7. You have made a Profile Post. Are you offering or requesting assistance - if so, with what ?
    1. bobmercer


      I would like to become a member and have access to the site.
  8. When you post some, we'll let you know. Welcome to the forum - you can also post in New User Introductions should you wish to share your details with us.
  9. I suspect the probability is that you don't. Have you tried posting a thread, or replying to one, in an already extant forum?
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