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Everything posted by Pinklather

  1. Ruud, of all your street shots, this is my fav. so far. The element shared by those that catch my attention is the presence of a context of some kind - whether that's activity or purpose. This has good sentiment all over it. 'Not a particularly detailed or technical feedback, but I hope it helps to hear what pulls my attention in. 'Nicely done.
  2. Pinklather


    John, your landscapes & nature shots are superb. Looking close, it looks like some artifacts of light - maybe through glass, or reflections from nearby windows?. Odd, but not enough to overpower such a powerful shot. You sure get to see/visit some amazing places & you do them well.
  3. Pinklather

    ship worker 5-10-2015

    I was surprised to find no other comment. 'A solid portrait. As Mr. Martel mentioned on an earlier shot (also excellent), a tighter crop would seem to give more power. I like your portrait work alot. Keep it up.
  4. Pinklather

    White Tulip 2 B&W

    Work? You bet! I would add that it yields a view of the tones that would be obscured by color. A color rendition might well (most likely) be beautiful too - but different. The thing I struggle with on the close-up/macro/detail shots of a lovely bloom is getting enough depth of field to see all the fine detail in the central parts as I get in the more broad forms of the leaf petals. If there's a secret there, its solution remains in my future. Don't shy away from the B&W - its great. My bias would be towards film, but enough people have grayscale skills to show that some lovely images can be had w/ dig. 'Good image. Thanks for posting.
  5. Even more spectacular than the 'Peaches & Cream' image. The bloom itself is so striking. 'Love the detail in the outer petals, 'makes me hungry for the same in the bloom's center.
  6. Pinklather


    Thank You, Anita. The solitary green was what caught my attention. All best to you & yours.
  7. Pinklather


    All critiques/comments welcome. Thanks for looking.
  8. Pinklather

    Dinner Time

    Over the top delightful. I only saw the dog at first, then clicked for a sloser view. 'Really nice. Humorous, conveys alot of good will. 'Great job thinking of this one.
  9. I posted several comments yest. and was sorry I did something wrong - they didn't save. I love the fine detail. The colors are natural (not overbaked). The blackout background launches & contentrates the delicate lines and textures. 'Nicely done.
  10. Pinklather


    Siamak, you do alot of excellent work. This is certainly a great example. I posted comment before & was disappointed to see I made a mistake - it didnt save. This one is certainly among the better of what is normally excellent work.
  11. Pinklather


    Fantastic. Terrific capture of character, intensity, isolating the subject, the detail with back lighting. I find this a spectacular portrait. Bravo!
  12. Pinklather

    rail... switch

    Lots to like. 'Perspective, great detail, nice grayscale work, the brooding sky. 'Really nice work.
  13. Pinklather

    Long standing!

    It worked! It worked! I like the semi-color version in that gallery also.
  14. Pinklather


    'Hard to say if its more the subject or the artistry in capture & execution. 'Lovely portrait!
  15. Pinklather


    Lovely execution. Many reflected shots are around, but I've not seen them backgrounded in the solid white. 'Adds a really nice touch.
  16. Pinklather


    Siamak, your portrature doesn't fail to draw my attention. 'Love the composition, hard focus, and the expressions. This one is really good - but your average portrait is really good. They're a delight to see.
  17. 'Beautiful subject, nicely done. I'm drawn to the detail. I haven't yet learned do such a shot to my satisfaction. Bravo!
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