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Image Comments posted by steve_bingham

  1. This very lonely doll was found stuck in a decomposing wall in a

    rapidly deteriorating old home in the ghost town of Dos Cabezas,

    Arizona. I think she misses her friend. Perhaps she is dead by now.

    Pink Rose


    I will try to be gentle. The most glaring error is one of composition. Yours is very static. It has no place for the eye to go but dead center. No movement. You need light balancing dark, you need the eye to wander - to have movement, to want to explore. You have slammed a pretty rose in our face and said LOOK.


    Your photo is also a little soft, lacking that pin point sharpness for such a photo. Your greens are way off but can be corrected in Photoshop. (Image-Adjust-Selective Color - Green - then tweak)


    Might I suggest getting in closer. Change the lighting for a little more dynamic or dramatic effect. I say all these things assuming you are what you say - a student desiring to improve. I sincerely hope this helps. In one of my classes this would have been a C+. As a casual snapshot I would give it a B+.


    I know nobody ever critiques in this critique forum - but you just got one.



    Another in the Bombay Beach series. The Salton Sea rose and gradually

    buried an entire community is salty water - then decades later

    receded and left these skeletons.

    Bombay Beach


    R Jackson.

    Yes, that would have worked also. Good eye.

    You will notice, however, that the chair is there to demand attention - and placed both where horizontal and vertical thirds intersect - and demanding all the attention I wished to give it. A strong diagonal from the left would have diminished this effect while creating another. I wished for a moody and solem composition.

    Abstracción 3

    I sure like your subject matter. However, it is lacking strength. Perhaps some stronger cross lighting? Maybe even a little dodging and burning and a little more vibrancy to bring it to life. Gotta give it more life/interest. Just one man's opinion.

    Midlife Crisis


    My son - looking for direction. Bombarded with emotions. Knowing

    something must be done but not knowing what. Feeling a sense of

    urgency, yet trapped in the very place he is. No matter where you go,

    there you are. Change must always begin in mind.


    This started out as an actual photograph, by the way. He was walking

    through the forest, looking for a way out.

    Canyon Life

    Simply amazing - shot, after shot, after shot. You, my friend, are one of the reasons I DON'T do landscapes! There are others out there (you, as a prime example) that do it so much better. The dedication, time, expertise, sense of art, and shear physical energy required is possessed by damn few. Take a bow!


    I love this photo - and your entire portfolio. It is so refreshing to see such good art on photo.net. You are now in my very short "favorite" list.


    Wonderful! What a "breath of fresh air"! Now ,excuse me while I go visit the rest of your photos! (I bumped into this masterpiece accidentally)
  2. I photographed these bath tubs in an old abandoned hospital in

    the "ghost town" of Jerome. While wandering around the "empty"

    building I picked up a couple of discarded Polaroids left by a

    homeless couple. I immediately recognized the man in one of the

    photos as the man who had murdered one of my female employees by

    strangling her with a vacuum hose wrapped around her neck. He was 6'

    4", she was 4' 11". He is currently serving a 20 year term.


    And then I forgot about the incident. A year later I was putting

    together a collage, letting my mind have free rein as I usually do,

    and when I was finished - totally finished - I was dumb struck by

    what my sub-conscious mind had done. I had, without conscious

    thought, extracted my revenge!


    Since that time I have come to realize that all my collages have a

    much deaper meaning (upon later viewing). And so, I work very hard at

    NOT pre-conceiving them before I start. Does this deeper meaning

    reach other people? Who knows. It doesn't matter.

  3. Thanks for the reminder. It seems not a week goes by that another innocent child drowns in a pool in the Valley (Phoenix and surrounding areas). These sad events often make the newspapers and TV, and yet they continue - week, after week, after week. Your documentary work is excellent, by the way.
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