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  1. <p>Thank you Joschen, Andrew, Glen , Arthur for all this information.. I am now on a track for searching in the right direction to expand my knowledge and try black and white enlarging with the color head. I may purchase a second enlarger in the future...thank you all!!</p>
  2. <p>Hello!<br> I have a dunco 66 II c enlarger but has the color head and I would like to ask what modification could be done if possible<br> to use the enlarger with variable contrast papers to print in black and white... as fas as I know the color head is the <br> DU6626 Fimo Colour Filtration module.. Do I have to buy the FiMo VC VCC-filtration module DU6625?<br> I am a complete beginner reading books on photography from the past :) <br> Thank you<br> </p>
  3. <p>I will order a pack of fresh Ra4 paper just in case there is complete failure. Color photography is an expensive hobby (That is what a local photographer told me and I am starting to think that she is right). I will try it for a a little while because I love it. Thank you all for the quick responses and a Happy New Year with many many happy moments :) !</p>
  4. <p>I found some info and that is the developer was the agfa developer 88. THE temprature to process is 36 degrees Celcius (unknown duration). I will have a try and I will post a few processed photos using the (cool) modified durst rcp 20. The stop bath can be a white vinegar bath 5% acetic acid.</p>
  5. <p>Hello to all at the forum. I wish you to have a Happy New Year!!!<br> I have an old pack of agfacolor MCN which was processed with process 85 as it is stated in the outer package. I have tried to look for info and the only thing I could find is that this process is similar to kodak ep 2 process. Has anyone tried to process this type of paper with Ra4 chemistry and at what tempratures?<br> The emulsion side of the paper is slightly grey (maybe fog) and this will be my first paper to try color printing. I do not know if the other new papers are totally white on the emulsion side.<br> Any help is deeply appreciated!</p>
  6. <p>Hello,<br> I have managed eventually to mount the two new gears. The only difficulty I currently face is that the belt I purchased, recommended from the German article , is just too small to fit and there is no way you can extend it with heat. The current toothed belt 150xl is a little bit bigger than it should be so I have ordered one 146xl and one 148xl. I hope that one of them will be just the right size. What would be the price of a converted durst rcp 20 if Ι would like to sell it one day? Τhank you!</p>
  7. <p>Hello,<br> Thank you for your message Bill,<br> The c-clips were further down from the gear and they were locking another plastic item. The small gear was finally removed by using more pressure with a screwdriver. The large gear had a circular plastic that was of greater radius attached to the gear(could not imagine that this would lock it). With the use of a screwdriver the plastic can be removed with pressure.<br> After reading the German Article : http://www.vogelstimmen-wehr.de/rcp.htm I have purchased the new gears but there is more to be done than by simply removing the gears.<br> The new big gear has to be drilled a litle bit bigger to fit in the shaft and the shaft for the small gear has to be made smaller ( if I have translated correctly). I am not sure about the small gear solution.</p>
  8. <p>Thank you for your message Bill! I have seen that one of the gears has this type of clips that you mention. The other (The small one) doesn't. I will have another try and will see what happens.</p>
  9. <p>Hello Dear Friends at the forum!<br> This is my first question at the forum as I have not been able to remove none of the two gears of the Durst rcp 20 and replace them with the appropriate ones for achieving ra4 developing and fix times.<br> The difficulty I am facing is that the gears seem to be locked in a way different from the small gears that you find in smaller electronic devices. Te gears I a have encountered in other devices could be removed by just pushing a little hard with a screwdriver.<br> Could please anyone help me by mentioning any tools needed?<br> Any help is deeply appreciated!<br> Regards!</p>
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