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Everything posted by lana_trzczka

  1. <p>Hello, when I switched to film a couple of years ago, this was a big worry of mine. When I do tours of Peru, it is sometimes as many as 10 flights total by the time I get back home. A security guard in Newark explained it all to me just as I was about to have my 30+ rolls hand-checked:<br /> <br />1. If you want to avoid the x-rays completely, security WILL check each roll of film at your request, but it takes *forever* and you are really just making things harder on yourself. <br /> <br />2. ISO films 800 and under are completely fine with the minimal strength x-rays for carry-on baggage.<br /> <br />3. Never put film in your checked bags (loaded as cargo) as the x-rays used are much stronger.<br /> <br />I have found his advice 100% correct. I have also brought Fuji Natura 1600 and Ilford 3200 with me and they were completely fine. Also at smaller airports (in Peru at least) there is not really an option for a hand-check. Put your bag in the machine, sir...<br /> <br />I don't use any special bag. I just put my camera bag on the belt and run it through. <br /> <br />Hope this is helpful!<br /> <br /> LT</p>
  2. <blockquote> <p>Hi friend, well I looked and did not see any more of these on Ebay. Not to worry, though... It was nothing fancy at all. Just a common syringe (art supply maybe?) and a little vial of sewing machine oil. The seller probably put it together for 50 cents...<br> <br />You don't need to disassemble the camera as you will see many doing online. With the lens off, just remove the front silver cover (2 screws on the sides, one on the bottom, and one facing front under the Canon logo).<br> <br />Remove the silver cover (it might need coaxing) and with the front of the camera facing you, remove the screw at 11:00.<br> <br />Put a few drops of oil in the syringe. Bend the syringe needle as close to 90 degrees as you can and insert it into that 11:00 hole. Use the bend to make the oil squirt downward towards the bottom of the camera. You don't want to shoot it back towards the curtain...<br> <br />The needle only needs to go in a few mm, squeeze a couple of drops (no more). Remove the needle and fire the shutter a bunch of times. In my case, I added a third drop of oil and the camera was firing like new.<br> <br />For a visual, look at this guy's video... He's got it 80% correct. Just don't spray WD-40 like he did... that'll get all over the insides of the camera for sure. Use the bent syringe and machine oil... It literally took me about five minutes total once I had it visualized in my head.<br> Hope this helps!<br> L.</p> </blockquote>
  3. <p>My same experience with an AE-1 had the show shutter, the the squeak came along for the ride. I bought a do-it-yourself AE-1 syringe and oil repair kit off of eBay for a few dollars. Per the instructions that come with the kit, you bend the needle on the syringe, and stick it in a particular screw hole after removing the screw (all detailed in the instructions). It worked like a charm and only took about 5 minutes. I saved the kit in case I needed it again but the camera has been fine for over two years now.</p>
  4. Software: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (Windows);
  5. <p>Garu, Perú. Canon T90 28mm f2.8 with Kodak Ektar 100<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/18187933-lg.jpg" alt="" width="1500" height="949" /></p>
  6. <p>I absolutely love my T90. I've been using it for three years now. I am aware of the EEEE issue, but it's only happened to me once, while touring Perú. All I had to do was pull out the battery tray for a few seconds to reset the camera. The T90 just feels like an extension of my arm.<br> <br />FD cameras I currently own:<br> New F-1 (with the works)<br> AE-1<br> AE-1 Program (with the works)<br> T50<br> T70<br> T90 - this is the camera I grab when I want to take pictures. The others? All great, especially the New F-1. The T90 just stands head and shoulders above in my opinion. When I travel I use the T90 as my workhorse with the New F-1 as the backup. Over the course of many tours and crazy weather conditions I have never needed that backup. The New F-1 just gets used as a change of pace once in a while.<br> <br />If anyone's concerned about the magnet issue with the T90 during long storage, just hold the shutter down while in Bulb and take the batteries out. </p>
  7. lana_trzczka


    Exposure Date: 2014:04:23 21:34:40; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;
  8. lana_trzczka


    Exposure Date: 2014:04:23 21:34:40; Software: Adobe Photoshop CS5 Windows;
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