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Everything posted by ficarelli

  1. <p>About the product key, I read that if you make a clean install on a valid computer, it mean the one that had a valid Win 7 or 8.1 installed before, you don't need the product key, if it ask you just skip it, it will validate with your previous registering.</p> <p>If you change the motherboard it is a problem because since Windows 7 the validation is made with the BIOS. I don't know the solution.<br /> As I said before, I generated the DVDs, as recommended, in case I have a problem with the Hard Disk. Microsoft says that there is no need to install Windows 7 or 8 to install as upgrade Windows 10 on the same computer. Just install Windows 10.</p>
  2. <p>On my main computer I installed with Windows 8.1 update, it just ask to install Windows 10 now or schedule for later.<br /> <br />Then I generate two DVDs, one 32bits and one 64bits from ISO using this link below for backup and to re-install it if my hard disk crashes:<br /> <a href="https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10">https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10</a><br /> <br />The 32 and 64 must be generated on respective operating system 7 or 8 or 10.<br /> <br /> Then I install with the DVDs on another two laptops with Windows 7, one Start 32 bits version and other Home 64.<br /> <br /> On the 32 It gives 3 options :<br /> <br /> 1 - if you want to upgrade keeping aplications and data<br /> 2- just keep my personal data (I understand later that this mean preserve the folders Document, Pictures, etc which I don't use) and delete aplications<br /> 3. delete aplications and personal data (I though it formats the disk but it didn't, delete Windows, Programs and User, but keeps all the other folders intact)<br /> <br /> I delete everything on this 32 bits, just a notebook to browse on the sofa (kept my custom folders)<br> <br /> On the 64 it just said that will keep all data and aplications, everything intact. Didn't give me any option, unless I skip.<br /> <br />I just recommend to do all updates on Windows 7 or 8 before upgrading to Win 10 to avoid any problem, including optional updates. Some of these updates prepare your operating system for the upgrade.<br /> <br />For those that like Internet Explorer, it is still there, listed on All Programs :)</p>
  3. <p>I upgraded from Windows 8.1 yesterday and it was really smooth. The only problem was that the bluetooth didn't work at first. I delete the driver, restarted and it worked.<br /> It kept all my settings, didn't change anything, even the folders I was working on some applications, like Capture NX-D, was the same after the upgrade.<br /> I was really used to the look of Win 8.1 and now the new Start is a little confuse but I'm sure it will be ok. It is not like win 7 or Win 8, just different. The rest is the same. The update tools is not on Control Panel anymore but in Settings.<br /> <br />A little tip is that the Control Panel seems to be gone at the first look, but it is not, just right click on the Start and there is a list of common tools, Control Panel, Administrations Tools and so.<br /> Now I'm trying to get rid of the annoying things, like the Cortana, and some pops.<br /> <br />I installed also on a little and old notebook and it is working great, a little faster, on my working laptop I didn't see any significant change on performance, Windows 8.1 was already fast.</p>
  4. <p>Although it is a picture full of colors I choose B&W to explore the eyes expression of the lady. I first crop, sharpen a little and convert to Tiff with Capture NX-2. Then with Nik Silver Efex stand alone I used a custom preset and added a control point to darken the floor on the left to diminish a little the flash effect.</p><div></div>
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